Spacesuits in TV and movies may look cool, but how safe and usable would they be in real life? Some of them were designed for media before we actually put a human into contact with space, so we can't expect them to be anywhere near accurate, while others are from a time when they should have known better. The continuing saga of Star Trek began after the first EVA, but the original series did not have the budget for realism. It's become better with time.
Where to start with Star Trek? The upcoming show Star Trek Discovery features a badass suit that looks like an entire miniature spaceship. But there are also some bizarre, cringeworthy depictions, like these from The Original Series. They’re sparkly! They have weird, seemingly useless colored attachments, the wearer can really only see right in front of them, and the visor extends to the back of their head for some reason.
Fortunately, the show went with some marginally better (but still science fictional) versions for The Motion Picture, and some really plausible ones in Enterprise. But although the latest series’ suits look cool, they don’t seem that realistic either, with an emphasis on armor and propulsion over anything else. We’ll have to wait until later this year to know just what they’re used for.
Read about the plausibility of spacesuits from fiction, and see some pictures that will make you laugh and remember the first time you saw them, at the Verge. -via Digg