According to reputable scientific sources there are no sea monsters in the sea, there are just a bunch of oversized squid, sharks, orca and the like that occasionally eat people and attack boats.
But those scientists seem to be hiding something, because these incredibly lifelike illustrations by Vladimir Stankovic are full of scary looking creatures that actually live under the sea, like the toothy Wolf Eel.
It's not hard to understand why land lubbers who've never seen such strange creatures would see the critters on Vladimir's prints as monsters, but these prints were created not to terrify but rather to educate:
Illustrator and graphic designer Vladimir Stankovic was commissioned to create a series of illustrations of some of the most bizarre and remarkable sea creatures for the Earth Touch / Smithsonian Channel documentary CRAZY MONSTER: SEA CREATURES. The illustrations were later animated and used an an interlude before the introduction of each species.
-Via JazJaz
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