10 Witty Facts About The Marx Brothers

On August 19, 1977, Groucho Marx died at the age of 86. He spent more than 70 of those years entertaining those around him. Fifty years later, Marx Brothers movies are still entertaining generations who never knew them in life. To mark the milestone, you might enjoy some stories about Groucho and his brothers Harpo, Chico, Zeppo, and Gummo.


Julius, Milton, and Arthur Marx originally aspired to be professional singers. In 1907, the boys joined a group called “The Three Nightingales.” Managed by their mother, Minnie, the ensemble performed covers of popular songs in theaters all over the country. As Nightingales, the brothers enjoyed some moderate success, but they might never have found their true calling if it weren’t for an unruly equid. During a 1907 gig at the Nacogdoches Opera House in East Texas, someone interrupted the performance by barging in and shouting “Mule’s loose!” Immediately, the crowd raced out to watch the newly-liberated animal. Back inside, Julius seethed. Furious at having lost the spotlight, he skewered his audience upon their return. “The jackass is the finest flower of Tex-ass!” he shouted, among many other ad-libbed jabs. Rather than boo, the patrons roared with laughter. Word of his wit soon spread and demand for these Marx brothers grew.

Read more about the Marx Brothers at Mental Floss.

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