Archive for August 15th, 2017

The Marshmallow Experiment

This lecturer must have a PhD in "completely missing the point." She assumes that the only reason a child could resist a marshmallow is because they don't like marshmallows. It's an even greater leap away from logic to a...

Why You Should Carry A Tennis Ball With You When You Fly

Have you ever wondered why some people carry a tennis ball with them when they fly?If you already know the answer then you're probably one of the few who include a tennis ball in their carry-on luggage, but for those of...

An Honest Trailer for Guardians of the Galaxy 2

A movie that's barely off theater screens gets the Honest Trailer treatment. Guardians of the Galaxy 2 never quite lived up to the original, but we rarely expect a sequel to recreate the magic of the first movie...

Stranger Major League - Hawkins' Heaviest Hitters

Stranger Major League by Mr.JungleIt helps to have a team behind you when you're battling those evil sluggers from the Upside Down, so Eleven gathered up her buddies and formed the Stranger Major League, home of the H...

The Bloody San Antonio Origins of Chili Con Carne

An article earlier this summer hinted that the defining factor in the development of Texas chili is chili powder, but the ingredient that makes chili a Tex-Mex dish is cumin, a spice imported from the Old World. Chili co...

Muscle Up

Take a trip through Muscle Beach at sunrise with the world's smallest drone. Robert McIntosh brings us an amazing continuous shot that draws you in as it zooms out.[] (vimeo link)While watching...

Breathtaking Self Portraits By Croatian Photographer Isabella Bubola

Portaiture is an art form that seems like it would have its limitations- a limited number of poses and facial expressions, a finite number of filters that don't make the flesh look funky, and few original tales to tell w...

6 Weirdly Specific Ideas Movies Have About Normal Bathrooms

A bathroom is a wonderful thing to have in your home. You must admit they are very useful. But normal people don't spend a lot of time hanging around in them. Bathrooms are small, full of hard surfaces, and sometimes ver...

Guys Display Their Speed And Agility By Punching A Bear Trap Before It Closes

Macho men like to perform feats of strength so they can show off how manly they are, and they constantly feel the need to prove their physical prowess is over 9000 so they don't drop a rank in their bro pack.But losing f...

Google Search as an Omen

Google search term statistics are good for detecting trends. Sometimes they can be a harbinger of disaster. If the predictions are correct, there is the possibility for traffic gridlock all across the United States. Due...

Pilot's Phone Is Sucked Out Of Plane, Keeps Filming All The Way To The Ground

If you've ever wondered what it would look and feel like to plummet out of a plane without a parachute but you value your life too much to attempt it in person then have I got a video for you!It was inadvertently shot by...

Five Awesome “Happy in the Rain” Moments in Movies

My town is undergoing the wettest August in memory, or at least since I began growing a garden. Too many days I've skipped my morning walk, because it takes some special circumstances to be happy while getting soaked. Mo...

Every State's Most Important Food Innovation

Every state has added something unique to the American culinary landscape, whether it be a classic sauce, a popular chain restaurant or even distinct sandwich. Over on Thrillist, you can read about the best culinary inve...

How Far Away is Voyager 2?

The two Voyager probes have been traveling through space for 40 years. Voyager 2 launched on August 20, 1977, and is now over ten billion miles from Earth, yet it is still sending signals back. When we try to pi...

I Understand - Do You Even Entiendo Bro?

I Understand by Miguel TapiaIf you ever hear a Spanish speaking person tell you "Yo entiendo" they're trying to tell you they understand the words coming out of your mouth so you can stop talking to them like they're...

Coffee Is An Acquired Taste

Coffee, much like beer and whiskey, tastes like crap the first time it hits your tongue, and just like whiskey it burns on the way down and makes you wonder why you wanted to try that foul beverage in the first place.But...

The Magyar Moustache Experiment

The following is an article from The Annals of Improbable Research, now in all-pdf form. Get a subscription now for only $25 a year!Detail from the study: Photographs, collected by Ottó Herman, of &ld...

Raccoons Riding a Bike Wheel

Trash pandas just wanna have fun! This adorable trio of raccoon cubs discovered that the wheel of a hanging bicycle makes a great swing.[] (YouTube link)They can't wait for their turn, so they...

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