Back to school time means a new year or semester or quarter or whatever full of new stuff to learn and a whole new schedule, which means it's a great time to add some new stylish tees to your old wardrobe.
So now through August 7th the NeatoShop is having a Back To School sale where you can get FREE WORLDWIDE SHIPPING on all tees in the NeatoShop, so you can get the tees you love for less!
A love of learning is something we never outgrow
And the more excited you are to learn new stuff the more you look forward to going back to school
The Wolfman Ate My Homework by Steven Rhodes
Because learning is always cool, even if you're old enough to remember the cartoon from the 80s these characters were on!
Space School by SimplePeteDoodles
All anyone wants to do in the summer is sit in front of a fan wearing as little as possible
But come fall we all like to refresh our wardrobe so we look good when we go out
We want to look especially sharp if we're heading back to school, so we stand out on campus
And whether you're a student or a professor
You'll want to show off your unique sense of style with a sweet tee!
Sweet Transvestite by Anderson Green Devil
Some people like to show love for their favorite superfolks
Rich Uncle Batarangs by RyanAstle
Or display their obsession with affection for animals
Ninja Hamster by Michael Creese
But why settle for showing off one love when you can show them both off at the same time?
It's A Bird! by Steven Lefcourt
Pop culture mashup shirts starring animals are the coolest
Because animals make everything better, even boring old stormtroopers
But pretty much any mashup involving superheroes is super cool to me
Because superheroes look mighty cool just standing there in their cool costumes
So tees with animals dressed as superheroes on 'em look even cooler!
But maybe you're not in to superheroes or animal shirts
Not Meant To Bae by Hillary White
That's okay too, because it's good to have a well-rounded collection of tees in your closet
And the NeatoShop has you covered no matter the scenario
Know Your Destructor by adho1982
Because everybody needs a solid slogan tee
Winning Is For Losers by joerocks1981
And a shirt that shows off your hobbies/lifestyle is also a necessary addition
Retro Motorbike Helmet by Early Kirky
A sports parody shirt always makes people smile
You can educate people on the ways of geekdom with the perfect school shirt
Or you can cast a spell on them with your uniquely spooky style
The NeatoShop has it all, so check out our selection and get geared up for fall for less!
The NeatoShop has thousands of amazing designs available in our print on demand online shop, and from now until August 7th you can get FREE WORLDWIDE SHIPPING ON ALL TEES!
So take advantage of the NeatoShop's Back To School Sale and get some great new additions to your geeky wardrobe for less!
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