Archive for July 20th, 2017

R For Vendetta - Rick Is Full Of It

R for Vendetta by PixeptionalThey never did find out who was behind all those acts of vendetta by a man named V, a man who hid behind a Guy Fawkes mask and remained a mystery by design. So maybe it was a cartoon grand...

Outer Space View

You can now explore the International Space Station in Google Maps, on a Street View level. ESA astronaut Thomas Pesquet spent six months aboard the ISS and took pictures and video during his stay. He tells us about the...

Hippies, Guns, and LSD: The San Francisco Rock Band That Was Too Wild For the Sixties

Do you remember the band The Charlatans? Probably not. They burst onto the scene in San Francisco in 1965, burned brightly, and flamed out by 1968. They were ahead of the curve, and paved the way for the Grateful Dead, J...

People Share The Funniest Gifts Kids Have Ever Given Them

(Image Link)It's sweet that kids care enough to buy, or even better make, a present for their parents, and many elementary schools encourage their students to create crafts and holiday cards for their folks so they're fr...

Plane Merges Into Highway Traffic

Thomas Lupski was riding down Sunrise Highway in Suffolk County, New York, Wednesday when a plane landed right there on the road, among regular traffic! This video contains NSFW language.(YouTube link)The plane was immed...

Cereal Disappointment

Cereal promotions used to be really good, but like the toys they include in the boxes these days their promo items have really gone downhill.It used to be that cereal fans could collect a bunch of UPC codes, send them in...

We Are Awful at Detecting Manipulated Photos

"Photoshopped. I can tell by the pixels and having seen quite a few 'shops." We like to think we are pretty good at spotting hoax, a joke, fake news, or an altered image. Those images are the ones that are likely to trip...

Animated Short About A Zombie And The Dog Who Loves Him

It's hard to say goodbye to dead friends and relatives, hard to let them go after they've passed on, but pets find it impossible to let go of the love they feel for their dead owners- especially if their owner is still s...

The Justice League Batmobile

Preview night at San Diego Comic Con brings us a glimpse of the new Batmobile that will be featured in the movie Justice League. It looks like something Weta Workshop would come up with for a Mad Max mo...

Make Your Life Feel A Bit More Heroic With A NeatoShop T-Shirt

Amazon Girl by Vincent TrinidadIt's a great year to be a fan of comic books and the superfolks who populate their pages, and with all the great movies and TV shows coming out the superheroic fun has only just begun.If y...

A Singularly Unique Book

Jack Stratton has the right idea. You don't have to sell a million of anything to make a profit, you just have to find the perfect price point. When you do, the story just writes itself, so to speak. The reviews are just...

Octopussy - A Punny Pair Of Critter Pals

Octopussy by MarkFI don't think this is what Ian Fleming meant when he came up with the name "octopussy", but to be fair these two were doing this before they knew such a short story and movie even existed so they sho...

What Nickelodeon's Green Slime Is Actually Made Of

If you grew up watching Nickelodeon, then you probably have great memories of the green slime that covered participants in Double Dare, You Can't Do That On Television (which was technically a Canadian...

The Top Five “Racing Down a Hill” Scenes in Movies

The scene in a movie where the characters race down a hill is not limited to any particular genre. It happens in crime capers, sports films, action movies, and can even show up in a comedy. The purpose is to get the audi...

"Impossible" Japanese Puzzle Solved After 10 Years!

Makers of "impossible" puzzles must get a kick out of watching people struggle to solve their creation, sitting there all smug with that "I know something you don't know" face on as the person flounders.And yet these puz...

No Country For Ye Olde Men

In the 18th century, Britain shipped around 50,000 prison inmates to the American colonies, where they paid their debt to society through hard labor. James Dalton was sent multiple times for theft, and made multiple atte...

Fun Food and Drink Specials Served Up for the San Diego Comic Con

Downtown San Diego goes all in when it comes to celebrating SDCC and welcoming its over 130,000 attendees. Restaurants and bars are no exception to the rule and throughout the area, chefs and bartenders whip up brilliant...

Kitten Playing with Dog

This kitten wants to play, while the dog just wants to nap. It's a cute sequence. But wait... do you see what I see? How many toes does this kitten have?[] (YouTube link)I think this kitten ha...

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