Match of the Procrastinators

Michelle Arendas and Josh Avsec are both students at Kent State University and were matched on Tinder. He sent her a message. She responded two months later with a lame excuse that her phone was dead. Two months later, he responded with the excuse that he was in the shower. A month later, she continued the joke. What's funny is that the conversation started in 2014 and they still haven't met each other!

Last week, Avsec shared the story on Twitter, and it went viral. People started following them, hoping the two would get together before they graduate, as they are both seniors now. Tinder stepped in to move things along.

This time, Arendas and Avsec didn't put off the response. Despite living on the same campus already, they will meet each other in Maui. The city is ready to welcome them.

Read more about the story at Buzzfeed.

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