Creative Hobbies To Try When Everything Is Awful

Nothing takes your mind off your troubles and the sorry state of the world like a hobby, because it fully absorbs your mind and, with a bit of practice, can give you a very satisfying feeling of accomplishment.

Most people find their hobbies organically, their talents and interests guiding them towards a hobby they love like sewing, painting or gardening, but others find it hard to figure out what their idle hands are meant to be doing.

It may seem a bit cheesy to consult a list of hobbies for inspiration, but that's the wrong way to think about the process of finding and falling in love with a new hobby.

Instead you should consult all the lists, read all the tutorials and watch all the process videos, so you can better understand your new creative passion.

I consulted this BuzzFeed list and discovered I've tried out damn near every hobby on the list but quilting is on my to-do list so I guess it's time to get to work!

See 25 Creative Hobbies To Try When Everything Is Awful And You're Not Okay here

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