Archive for July 5th, 2017

Take A Flight Of Fancy With "Johanne"

The fantasy genre  is home to many strong female characters, and the stars of these fantasy tales inspire girls to dream about being something far better than a prissy princess or a scullery maid turned royal.In thi...

Is This a Photo of Amelia Earhart in Japanese Custody?

A photograph has been found in the National Archives, labeled "Jaluit Atoll," that appears to show Amelia Earhart and her navigator Fred Noonan at a dock with several Japanese people. They are in the distance, but invest...

CSI Tools Bring a Mummy's Face to Life

In 2005, a mummy like no other was found in northern Peru. The young woman of the Moche culture was wrapped in 20 layers of cloth, among which sumptuous jewelry was concealed. Buried about 400 AD, she is now called the S...

If Movie Characters Had Poor Eyesight

People with poor eyesight can do most everything the perfectly sighted can, with the exception of easily reading stuff, but pop culture characters must have perfect eyesight unless poor eyesight is part of their characte...

The Lonely Parking Meter

Winters, California, is a small suburb of Sacramento with a population of around 7,000 people. Downtown parking caused some folks to grumble, but no new spaces came about to address the problem. But a parking meter did....

This Is Catherine Nichepor. She Comes From The USA.

Photography was seen as somewhat of a novelty well in to the 20th century, and when the first instant camera was introduced in 1948 people went crazy for these instant gratification devices.But before the instant camera...

Drink - Barney's New Best Friend Looks A Bit Odd...

Drink by trheewoodPeople can say drinking in excess is bad all they want, and they can use every illustration to prove to the sot they're berating that their boozing habit will someday spell their doom. But alcoholics...

34 Historical Fashion Facts

[] (YouTube link)You might think that fashion trends are weird now, but our clothing has gone through many cycles of weirdness for various reasons -beauty, comfort, utility, yeah sure, but mos...

Zillow Backed Down After Threatening A 23-Year-Old Woman Over Her Sarcastic Blog

Zillow is one of the largest and most popular real estate websites on the internet, and this popularity has clearly gone straight to their head because they think it's okay to bully bloggers who fairly use their photos.G...

Sketches of Summer

Grant Snider gives us a charming series of sketches using watercolor shapes and imagination to illustrate the things we enjoy in the summertime. How to turn a watermelon into a sunset is just the beginning. Other simple...

English Language Words We Got From The Weather

People who constantly want to talk about the weather are boring, and their weather-based chats bring the rain down upon our heads when we get stuck talking to those drips.But if these weather wizards were actually in the...

5 Movie Soundtracks That Were Way Better Than the Movie Itself

If a movie turns out to be disappointing, but the music is awesome, it's pretty much worth it to go to the theater, right? Maybe for us, but for the film producers, that's some cold comfort. For example, I never knew unt...

A Kangaroo's First Hops

A joey named Jellybean recently left his mother's pouch for the first time at the Australian Reptile Park near Sydney. He apparently built up a lot of kinetic energy sitting in there and has to let it out!  [https:/...

Lewis Carroll’s Original Illustrations For Alice’s Adventures In Wonderland

When Lewis Carroll first wrote Alice's Adventure in Wonderland in 1864, it was a personal book in his own handwriting with illustrations he drew himself. He knew a children's book needed pictures, as he says him...

You Can Help Giraffes in Kenya Without Ever Leaving Your Home

Giraffe populations have dropped drastically over the last 20 years. In fact, their numbers in Northern Kenya have dropped 70% over the last two decades. Researchers in the area have set up a number of camera traps to he...

Blushing Research Review

The following is an article from The Annals of Improbable Research, now in all-pdf form. Get a subscription now for only $25 a year!(Image credit: Flickr user Jan Gleisner)Research that concerns or inspires...

The Most Famous Dog Who Ever Lived

You may be familiar with the story of Hachiko, the loyal Akita that returned for years hopping to greet his deceased owner at the train station (if not, go grab a hankie). But there are details of the story that you prob...

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