Disney has unveiled a mini-series of animated episodes called Star Wars: Forces of Destiny to be shown on the Disney Channel and on YouTube. The short vignettes are designed to give us a little insight into the characters we already know. According to Wookieepedia,
Star Wars: Forces of Destiny is an upcoming canon animated miniseries that will take place around all eras of the Star Wars universe. Consisting of sixteen episodes, it will air online and on television,[1] beginning in July 3, 2017.[3] It will be accompanied by its own toy line and a series of tie-in books.[5]
The first episode, Sands of Jakku, is narrated by Lupita Nyong’o (Maz Kanata), in a sequence just after Rey meets BB-8. It shows how Rey is Force-sensitive even before she falls in with the Skywalker gang. -via Uproxx