Archive for June 25th, 2017

The Lonely Lady- Worst Film Of All Time Or Trash Cinema Masterpiece?

Bad movies far outnumber the good, but to earn the title "worst film of all time" you've gotta really smut it up, leaving viewers feeling forever unclean by taking trash cinema to the bottom of the heap.As far as I can t...

The Forgotten Man Who Transformed Journalism in America

Younger people may know about Walter Cronkite or Edward R. Murrow, but hardly anyone born after 1970 remembers Lowell Thomas, or even knows about him. He was the first superstar journalist of the broadcast era. Thomas br...

Artist Creates Miniature Versions Of The Places He Visits In His Dreams

Have you ever woken up after a vivid and realistic dream to find you can't get that dream out of your head?Those memories of our time in the dreamlands are so clear they almost feel real, and even though our bodies never...

Make a Difference

Now that was easy, wasn't it? Too bad such a small effort is too much for so many. Just a simple affirmation of what you already think can go the distance to make someone else feel good. And look at the last panel- it wi...

Sons Of Melmac - Cat Me If You Can

Sons of Melmac by MarianoSanLife can be hard for aliens in America, and their struggle to live freely among the hairless apes naturally makes them feel disgruntled and forces them to band together for the good of thei...

How To Make Air Powered Blood Squibs For Gunshot Special Effects

Squib is a fun word to say, and squibs are fun to talk about because their name sounds so funny people can't help but ask "what the hell is a squib?!" when they hear it said aloud.But filmmakers know squib isn't just a f...

Alexander Graham Bell’s Tetrahedral Kites

In addition to developing the telephone, Alexander Graham Bell did extensive research in aerodynamics. He experimented with a tetrahedral structure for kites to lessen the weight-to-surface ratio to enable humans to fly....

Pics That Will Make You Laugh Even If You Don't Want To

(Image Link)You can find a never-ending supply of hilarious pics and posts online, LOLing the day away while looking at memes, candids, photoshops and critter pics that make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside.But there's...

Splashdancing Gorilla

Where does a 380-pound gorilla dance? Wherever he wants to. Zola the gorilla lives at the Dallas Zoo. He's 14 years old, but he has a sense of fun that other gorilla adults don't often show. He especially likes his pool....

This Grown Man Makes An Amazing Flower Girl

Patrick Casey and his cousin Andria Farthing were ring bearer and flower girl at a wedding when they were kids. When Andria got engaged, she and Patrick knew who should be the flower girl. The result was adorable without...

A Dreamy History of Teen Idol Magazines

For decades, many young girls were ushered through puberty with the help of fan magazines aimed at exactly what they wanted- a dreamboat boy. Of course, those boys were TV actors or pop musicians, with a public persona c...

Bucket List Destinations For Animal Lovers

(Image Link)True wildlife enthusiasts like to make sure there's something animal related to do wherever they go on vacation, and these days it's not hard to find small nature reserves and sanctuaries that allow guests to...

World's Ugliest Dog 2017

The Sonoma Marin County Fair in Petaluma, California, crowns the World's Ugliest Dog every year. And most years, a Chinese crested has won the title. But not this year! Congratulations to Martha, a 125-pound Neapolitan m...

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