You don't have to be a total rebel to know stupid and incredibly outdated laws are made to be broken, and in times when the powers that be keep trying to make laws to limit our personal freedoms it's time to resist.
Photographer Olivia Locher wants her rebellion against dumb, antiquated laws to be on the record, so she created a series called "I Fought The Law" which illustrates how utterly moronic these laws are.
At the top we have Alabama's law against having an ice-cream cone in your back pocket, above we have Ohio's law against disrobing in front of a man's portrait, and below we have Oklahoma's crazy law against people making love to their cars.
Lawmakers have way too much time on their hands if they think these laws need to be on the books!
See more from Photographer Breaks 43 Of The Most Ridiculous Laws In America here (NSFW-ish)
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