Archive for June 18th, 2017

WE ARE GROOT - An Awesome Bunch Of A-Holes

WE ARE GROOT by Oliver BanksThere's a little dancing Groot inside of each and every one of us, and even though we don't spend our days engaged in epic battles as we defend the galaxy that little Groot inside us is kep...

Puppies Learning to Use Stairs

It's not easy using stairs when you've never done it before. It's even harder when the riser is taller than your legs are long! Puppies are little apprehensive about trying it for the first time, even when they've seen o...

Wax Statues Of Celebrities That Will Haunt Your Nightmares

Wax statues are often so realistic looking you can hardly tell them apart from the person they're made to resemble, but it's hard for wax sculptors to reach this eerie-high level of hyperrealism.So instead of trying to d...

Not Falling for It

Oiqlele's mother tried to pull a prank on their cat. She assumed the cat can't read, but the joke was on her. That's one smart kitten! Of course, it would have helped if the hole were a bit bigger, because judging from t...

Cheat Day

Food can make you feel really good, food can make you feel sick, eat certain foods before bed and they may make you have some very strange dreams.Most people will be in love with food their entire lives, and whether it's...

The Cliches of Disney Dads

We've discussed the scarcity of Disney mothers a few times, since they are almost always dead before the story even begins. That's because mothers don't normally allow their children to go on dangerous adventures alone,...

Nick Offerman Answers Woodworking Questions On Twitter Tech Support

Nick Offerman is a multi-talented guy who is equally good at growing a moustache, delivering a deadpan burn and playing a less jolly version of himself on TV, but when it comes to wood Nick's a master planer.What I mean...

Why Your Baby Doesn't Sleep Through The Night

Babies wake up during the night because they are hungry/wet/lonely, and because it's natural for them to awaken. Buzzfeed talked to Darcia F. Narvaez, professor of psychology at Notre Dame University, and other experts a...

This Dog From Seattle Rides the Bus By Herself to go to the Park

Dogs are allowed to ride on the bus in Seattle when their humans come with them -the exception being Eclipse, who is actually allowed to ride the bus to the dog park all by herself with her own bus pass. It all started w...

Family Seeks Nanny for Haunted House

The ad at Childcare UK sounds like a sweet deal. There's a job opening in Scotland for a nanny to two children, who are in school. Housing will be provided, and you even get your own kitchen and four weeks vacation every...

Beware the Thundering Horde

This guy takes a few steps off the front porch and makes a hasty decision to retreat. What did he see? What could be so terrifying? [] (YouTube link)Oh, it's just a herd of a half-dozen s...

I'm A People Person - May I Have You For Dinner?

I'm a People Person by AzhmodaiMost of us assume someone is friendly and nice when they're labeled a "people person", but what if that monicker referred to their diet instead of their demeanor? We would definitely hav...

Fun Science Projects You Can Do With Your Kids This Summer

If you have school-aged kids, then they're almost certainly out for summer. While some parents let their kiddos do whatever they want during summer break, those looking to keep the younster's minds stimulated might want...

Father's Day Ties

I can't recall the last time I saw a man wear a necktie in real life. I'm sure some still wear them to the office every day, like senators, but they are in the minority. Few men even wear ties to church anymore. But they...

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