Fashion designers just can't accept that when it comes to clothing there is nothing new under the sun, so they keep trying to make bold moves in directions nobody should and keep creating strange items nobody wants.
Do people really want to wear clear plastic jeans that'll turn their lower half into a hot, sweaty mess? I seriously doubt it, and even the people who do will find once is enough.
Fashion-minded consumers also don't really want a lace romper for men, a blazer that's half denim half pin striped wool, and they certainly won't be lining up to buy this gender bending monstrosity
So why do fashion designers keep creating such crappy looks?
Because they can, and they believe any press is good press, which may be true for some fad-worthy fashion, but what self-respecting cowpoke would be caught dead in a pair of cowboy boot sandals? Perhaps some city slicker from New York City...
See 10+ Of The Most Ridiculous Clothing Items That Are Actually Being Sold Right Now here
Disco Era. I bet everyone knows of some examples.