Using A Single Photo To Describe Each State

I'm not a fan of sweeping generalizations and black and white mentalities, because in my experience the world and all the people in it are various shades of gray morally, ethically and philosophically speaking.

And when you factor in environmental influences, how we were brought up by our family and the information we're exposed to (and have chosen to believe) it's a wonder fifty states full of people get along at all.


So is all the stereotyping keeping us from getting along, or are these stereotypes keeping us from tearing the Union apart because we know what to expect from each state? I don't know about all that, but I do know what helps people stay chummy in California!

Maybe there isn't much truth to these stereotypes, or maybe they're spot-on for a small percentage of each state's population who has come to represent the entire state.

But maybe, just maybe, we all want to believe New Jersey is full of Jersey Shore wanna-bes because that means magic still exists in the world.

See States That Can Be Described By A Single Photo here

-Via Obsev

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