Archive for June 12th, 2017

18 Real-World Fairy Tale Landscapes

The storytellers that gave us classic fairy tales had plenty of possible inspirations for their dreamy settings. Medieval castles were the place where princes and princesses lived. Forest folk really lived in woodlands....

How You Describe Your Job To Different People

It's a joy to tell people what you do for a living when your job has a clear title, and those clear titles make your job sound more important than it is because they're easier for people to understand.But less easily und...

Nice Save - Before Laughing Out Loud Was Reduced To LOLs

Nice Save Funny Floppy Disk Pun by happinessinateeRemember when we were limited by how much data we could save for future use? Can you recall a time when it took 10 floppy disks to save a file that would fit on any fl...

It's All in the Framing

Want to sell something? Hit the customer right where he lives. Let them know this is what they really want. If he can get a steady supply of cheese balls, it won't matter who is serving them, how much they charge, or wha...

Why Do We Forget What We're Doing The Moment We Enter A Room?

Do you ever go into another room for a specific reason only to find you've forgotten what that reason is, even if only for a moment?This is known as the Doorway Effect, and a vast majority of people have experienced the...

Sexy Chest Swimsuit

Did you ever think it strange that women's breasts must be covered up, but men can bare their entire chests? That we can share pictures of a man's nipples, but a woman's nipples are considered NSFW? Social media censors...

Using A Single Photo To Describe Each State

I'm not a fan of sweeping generalizations and black and white mentalities, because in my experience the world and all the people in it are various shades of gray morally, ethically and philosophically speaking.And when y...

Improving Parking Compliance, One Intimidated Driver at a Time

How many Russian bodybuilders does it take to make you park in a legal space without encroaching on others? The Russian group called Stop a Douchebag patrols the streets of Moscow enforcing parking and traffic laws, main...

When Your Head Is In The Clouds

Everybody sees something different when they look up at the clouds in the sky, and what they see depends greatly on their imagination, the types of clouds in the sky and the viewer's state of mind.When you're a kid the c...

A Tribute to Adam West's Batman

Of the eight actors who've portrayed Batman onscreen, there are only five left. Redditor mengocharged arranged his action figures as a tribute to Adam West, who died Friday at the age of 88. He titled the image Farewell...

Tricks Grocery Stores Use to Get You to Buy More

Grocery stories aren't just in the business of selling people the every day basics they need, they're ultimately there to make money. That's why they use some very clever tricks to get people to buy more than they need a...

The Top Five Ian Holm Movie Roles

You might think you don't know who Ian Holm is, but you've seen him in many of your favorites movies.Holm is one of those quiet giants of the acting world; precisely the type which seems to suit the British rather well....

A Clever Technique For Scaling A Wall Using A Bamboo Pole And Two Strong Friends

People think the only way to scale a wall is by using a ladder or a rope, or climbing claws if you're an old timey ninja, but the Vietnamese SWAT team in this video use a technique straight from ancient times.All you nee...

If Life Gives You Lemons... - Scientific Optimism

If life gives you lemons... by AndropovThere are optimists, pessimists and scientists, and both optimists and pessimists refuse to believe there could be another way of seeing the world. But scientists realize there are...

10 Facts About Anne Frank's The Diary of a Young Girl

Anne Frank was born on June 12, 1929 in Frankfort, Germany. Thirteen years later, she received a book of blank pages from her mother for her 13th birthday. She used it as a diary, which she kept during the years she and...

Two Polyglots Have A Casual Chat In 21 Different Languages

I've always preferred the honorific "multilingual speaker" to "polyglot" since it sounds a whole lot nicer, but according to definition if a person "learns multiple languages as an avocation" they're a polyglot.And when...

Accidentally Excellent

The following is an article from the book Uncle John's Weird, Weird World: EPIC.Are you accident-prone? Don’t worry, it could end up making the world a better place.FIRST GLASS On...

How Your Mouse Movement Could Be Used to Stop Identity Theft

You know how instead of typing a squiggly word, Google now has you to just check a box to prove you're not a robot? I did not know how that was supposed to work until tonight. It's all about how you move your mouse! Appa...

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