You'll hear one thing stated a dozen different ways when you visit parks in bear country- steer clear of bears, or you might end up mauled or dead.
This warning is enough to keep visitors on their toes and keep the timid from visiting parks in bear country at all, but some people act like it will never happen to them and roam around like they own the park.
The hunter who captured this bear attack footage on his GoPro camera is clearly one of those guys, because he thought he could take down a black bear with a lvl 1 archery skill!
This wild footage was captured by Richard Wesley while he was out bow hunting in Fire River, Ontario, and Richard seems pretty happy the bear didn't dine on his innards:
I am so happy after this confrontation with a black bear during our spring hunt. No wounds except a bruised elbow and ego where the bear threw me down. Genuinely happy that this was a non fatal or tragic outcome. Proving that the black bear is a wild and unpredictable animal. Again so happy with the outcome.
-Via Esquire
Comments (1)
Submissive is not a word found in their dictionary.
Nice to see that he is not eating the children!
She deserves much better than this.
If you honor your dog, if you care for your dog,
set her free.
Even if it was happy, do you think that it's a good thing the poor dog is chained on a short leach all day and is happy just because it might get to be fed or walked a little bit?
Very sad, but that's what comes of living in a world where we consider animals to be our property to do with as we wish.
you guys are stupid You don't know the
breed and you are making these asumptions!
My dogs does the same thing and he
is smiling and we live in Colorado not
Japan! Learn about the breed before you make
your assumptions!