Interlocking Wooden Blocks Make It Easy To Build A Wall Or A Tiny House

People have come up with some pretty brilliant ways to help solve humanity's problems, helping people in need by inventing ways to ensure they have clean water, food, clothing, medicine and shelter.

And since viable shelter is one of the most important problems to solve and the problem with the most solutions it's not surprising so many inventors have focused on this problem.

But so far I've yet to see a semi-permanent housing solution that works as well as Brikawood- the weatherproof, fully recyclable and extremely durable interlocking wooden brick system that makes building shelter a snap.

(YouTube Link)

-Via Boing Boing

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It's kinds cool looking but it does not look like it would be any easier then hammer and nails. I built a playhouse for my kids that was a bit smaller then that house... it was pretty easy if you buy the right sized lumber. I would also be worried about the glue smell...that seems like a lot of glue. I could not tell what the foundation was?
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