Archive for May 25th, 2017

Behind the Scenes of Beauty and the Beast

They say that if you love sausage or law, you shouldn't watch either being made. Maybe they should say the same for CGI filmmaking. Disney gives us a look at how Dan Stevens acted out the part of the Beast in the recent...

What Kind Of Animal Does This Skull Belong To?

To truly understand animals you have to see what lies beneath their skin both literally and figuratively, so you can better understand how they think, how they behave and how their bodies help them survive in the wild ki...

Is an 1874 Type Catalog the World's Most Beautiful Book?

William Hamilton Page made wood type, but he really made a name for himself for his unique way of selling his blocks that made beautiful color print. In 1874, he set them into a sample book, a sales catalog called Sp...

'Anti' Fashion Modeling Agency Is Doing Away With Outdated Beauty Standards

Fashion designers, and the fashion industry as a whole, have always had a healthy respect for the avant-garde, and couture houses in particular never stray far from their surreal muse when they design a new line.But when...

A Most Canadian Disaster

As part of the celebration of Canada's 150th anniversary, the Memorial University of Newfoundland (MUN) Botanical Garden planted their Canada 150 Celebration Tulip Garden. The bulbs were planted last fall to bloom this s...

Why Urine Doesn't Work To Treat Jellyfish Stings

We've been told for decades the best way to treat a jellyfish sting is to have somebody pee on the site, which will somehow stop the pain and help counteract the jellyfish venom.This myth has given "helpful" people licen...

What if Star Wars Were the Only Star Wars Movie?

On May 25, 1977, forty years ago today, a new movie named Star Wars opened at 42 theaters.  No one knew it would become an unstoppable juggernaut, spawning seven sequels and prequels with another opening th...

Have You Seen This Unicorn? - Say Nope To Dope And Ugh To Drugs

Have you seen this awesome unicorn? by Bomdesignz Seeing unicorns in your dreams, on your TV or in your favorite fantasy games and novels is fine, but as soon as you start seeing unicorns in your daily life that'...

What Popular Foods Look Like Before They're Harvested

(Image Link)It's funny how many "raw food" fanatics out there don't actually know what their favorite natural foods look like in their raw form, and thereby would probably walk right past dates or artichokes if they were...

17 Interesting Facts about Brooklyn Nine-Nine

Brooklyn Nine-Nine, starring Andy Samberg and Andre Braugher, is a police comedy that's just finished its fourth and best season yet. Since the show started out well and has only improved, it may stick around fo...

Teen Creates Crafty Wire Code To Reduce Heart Surgery Risks

(Image Link)Not all teenagers find their parents' work totally lame and boring, some teens actually admire their parents' career choice and pay attention when their folks talk about work at the dinner table.Sixteen-year-...

Damsel in Distress

The latest comic from Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal explains why the old trope of tying a damsel to the railroad tracks will no longer work the way it used to. Since this is an image, the button going to information...

Mac DeMarco Tries To Maintain His Chill While Eating Spicy Wings

Mac DeMarco is one of the most chill dudes in the indie music scene, and that's saying a lot considering how totally chilled out soft rock-inspired lo-fi bands can be.Mac's latest album This Old Dog dropped on M...

Why Flamingos Are More Stable on One Leg Than Two

Biologists Young-Hui Chang and Lena Ting had an epiphany while studying a dead flamingo. There was nothing about their anatomy that gave them the extraordinary ability to balance on one leg for hours at a time. He picked...

The Wisdom of Animals

We could learn a lot from animals. Mainly that we are not as important as we think we are.[] (YouTube link)This delightful animation from The School of Life reminds us that living simply, as a...

10 Quirky Families That Still Rule the World

(Image credit: Katie Carey)You’d never confuse them for the Rockefellers. But you also wouldn’t have curling without ’em.1. THE ROSENWACHSPower: Hydrating Wall Street, Broadway...

Steve Urkel: Bad to the Bone

Steve Urkel was designed to be a peripheral character to the Winslow family on the sitcom Family Matters, just to provide some comic relief. But as portrayed by Jaleel White, the over-the-top craziness of Urkel...

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