Archive for May 21st, 2017

Justin Trudeau Photobombs Promgoers

Prom season in #Vancouver— Adam Scotti (@AdamScotti) May 20, 2017 It's prom season, and a group of students from the Catholic boy's school Vancouver College were taking photographs b...

What’s Kept the Society Against Quackery Going for 137 Years

Neatorama has featured many articles about patent medicine, snake oil, quackery, and dangerous cure-alls from the past. Those stories make us feel thankful to be living in the present, where modern medicine is working mi...

What Adults Say Vs What Adults Do

Kids realize their parents are full of crap at an early age, and one of the ways they discover adults have been lying to them is by catching us doing something we told them absolutely, positively not to do.This double st...

The Romantic Engineer

Dane Christianson (ChraneD) posted this gif to reddit's shitty robots forum with the title How to properly ask out the Queen of Shitty Robots. Of course, he's referring to Simone Giertz, whose ridiculous robots we've pos...

Bilious Facts About The Liver

Our liver is more than just a booze and drug filter or something that goes great with "fava beans and a nice chianti"- it's the second largest organ in the human body, weighs as much as a chihuahua, and every vertebrate...

Hugh Jackman Didn't Know Wolverines Were Real Animals

When Hugh Jackman was first cast as the X-Men character Wolverine, he went to work researching the animal. But he did that research on wolves.  “I didn’t even know there was a wolverine. I literally, emb...

Skateboarder Sean Greene Bombs Down The Steep Streets Of San Francisco

Skating the streets of San Francisco is something only the brave, experienced and/or balls out bananas should attempt, because those steep hills make it easy to munch it hard and stopping ain't easy.But Sean Greene has l...

Toy Story 19

Toy Story 4 is planned for 2019. That's 24 years after the first movie. You have to wonder how long they can keep it up. This comic from Berkeley Mews gives us an idea of how the story might be ultimately wrappe...

Wild By Nature - Hyrule's Original Cucco Tossing Gangsta

Wild By Nature by inkOne ArtLink was never down with OPP, nor is he the type of guy who likes to yoke the joker, but when a quest calls for him to unleash his savage side he's happy to go all hip hop hooray on his foe...

This Giant Lion Sculpture Is Carved From A Single Redwood Tree

Carving wood into smooth, organic shapes is an amazing skill in its own right, but sculptors who turn raw wood into fantastic looking figures while retaining the tree's natural grain and burls are a cut above the rest.Ho...

Elderly Feral Tomcat and Foster Kittens

Mason the feral cat was ill, injured, and infected when he was taken in by Tinykittens feral TNR program (previously at Neatorama). Because of his condition, he was placed in a home instead of being returned to the feral...

Women Describe the Worst Case of Mansplaining They Have Been Subject To

Some men still deny that mansplaining is a real thing or that even if it does exist, that it's a problem, but those men obviously have never had someone assume they were completely ignorant on a subject based solely on t...

That Time a Basketball Player Saved a Dolphin

More than ten years ago, we posted a story about 7' 9" Bao Xishun saving the lives of dophins by sticking his long arm down their throats to retrieve plastic they'd swallowed. It turns out there's precedent for this type...

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