Do the words "Chinese government", "global economics" or "belt and road" make you think about having some hot fun in the summertime?
I didn't think so, but your opinion of these seemingly boring words is sure to change after you watch this video featuring the song "The Belt and Road", which is bound to become the jammy jam of Summer '17!
So what is this video all about? It's about the Belt and the Road-
The belt is an actual physical road that will connect China and Europe, and the road is a trade route (think Silk Road) that includes maritime shipping lanes and freight. At the Belt and Road Forum (yes, BARF), Jinping laid out the plan to pump $150 billion a year into 68 countries to promote trade and strengthen the Chinese foothold.
China wants to underwrite huge infrastructure projects all over the world: a coal plant in Sri Lanka, exporting to Pakistan, and expanded electricity grids in Central Asia. This isn't exactly new—China has already funded public transport in Ethiopia, for example—but it's at an unprecedented scale that will shift global trade.
But while we wait for more plans to unfold it's probably just good to numb the anxiety of shifting global powers with a song, and why not the Belt and Road?
-Via Motherboard
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