Depression Is Radical! - Happiness Is A Matter Of Perspective

Depression Is Radical! (Girls-Light Colors) by joerocks1981

Every day is a new adventure when you live with depression, which causes you to develop a somewhat dark sense of humor about life with an emotional monster lurking inside your brain. But if you learn to see rainbows as stripes of blood, bug guts, mucous, pee and other gross fluids you'll be able to smile at even the most saccharin of all atmospheric displays and pretend you're just as happy as everyone else! Of course, when you're depressed you start to notice that the people who are always smiling have way more darkness inside them than you do, which once again makes that dark comedian inside you grin with delight.

Cheer people up wherever you go with this Depression Is Radical! t-shirt by Joerocks1981, it's the fun and colorful way to say "I'm going to be okay, unlike you..."

Visit joerocks1981's Facebook fan page and official website, then head on over to his NeatoShop for more delightful designs:

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