Deleted Wikipedia Articles with Freaky Titles

Despite the sheer size of Wikipedia, not everything submitted stays on the site. If an entry is judged too obscure, redundant, or has too little information, it gets deleted. And lots of entries get deleted because they are just too silly. Wikipedia has a saved list of the articles that were deleted, but had silly names worth remembering. Where else would you find articles titled Ohcrapistan, Nahhhhhh, Hippopotomontrosesquipedalian, Dafloopledestine, Yorgy fwambombolish, Fartsniffing Anklebiting Anteater Spawn, and Superbatflyingxray homosapiens? You won't find the entire entry, but there might be something available somewhere elsewhere the internet. Check out the extensive list here. -via Metafilter 

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