The Brothers Gibb didn't exactly set the world on fire with their earliest incarnation Barry Gibb & The Bee Gees, but young Robin did enjoy setting fires around town- which resulted in his family moving to Australia in 1958.
By 1960 they boys were performing at the Redcliffe Speedway and playing their super square folky pop songs on TV shows, and by 1963 the boys had landed a recording contract.
These cheesy ballads are a far cry from the Disco songs they're best known for today, but before they found their sound they started over again with their "first" album The Bee Gees' 1st, which was actually their third album.
Nobody knows where The Bee Gees' career would have ended had they not continued to reinvent themselves, but by 1978 the boys had made it big, with eight number one songs in '78 alone.
In fact, The Bee Gees accounted for 2% of the entire record industry in '78, which is why stations will probably still be playing Stayin' Alive well past the day I die.
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