Busting The Tennis Ball Car Unlock Myth

Many new cars have electronic locks that unlock the door with a push of a button, and because many people don't really understand how these locks work they've become the subject of many myths.

And people love to post content online that adds to these myths, like this video from ten years back that still has people believing they can unlock their car doors with a tennis ball.

(YouTube Link)

It seems too ridiculous to work, and yet every time the myth makes the rounds online again a bunch of people admit they believe the myth, often claiming they know someone who did it.

So let's put this myth to rest by sharing this clip from an old episode of Mythbusters featuring Kari Byron, Grant Imahara and Tory Belleci busting the myth with 100 psi of shop air.

(Video Link)

-Via Discovery

It's funny. Recently, I've seen a number of videos showing people rooting roses, etc from cuttings by placing the stem in a potato. It seems to kinda-sorta make sense, except I have not yet seen a video showing actual ROOTS emerging from the cuttings. I suspect the cuttings last about as long as cut flowers.
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