Nordstrom is Just Trolling Customers At This Point

In the last few months, Nordstrom has released an $85 rock in a leather holster and a $95 pair of mom jeans with clear plastic knees. Now they're really stepping up their game with a $425 pair of jeans that comes pre-dirtied with real mud.

The Barracuda Straight Legged Jeans are "workwear that's seen some hard-working action with a crackled, caked-on muddy coating that shows you're not afraid to get down and dirty." Because nothing says "I'm not afraid to get dirty" than paying for someone else dirty your pants for you.

If you really want to go all out, you can even buy the matching $425 jacket also covered in mud

Via ABC Buffalo

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Clothing manufacturers should give their new clothes to day laborers and homeless people, with an agreement that they can exchange them for new clothes again after a certain amount of time. The streetlife-worn clothes will sell for a fortune!

For greater legitimacy, the wearer can be interviewed, and a unique story can be told about what the clothing went through. Or each wearer can be identified on the tag (e.g. "Dave from Toledo"). Particular wear patterns, associated with particular wearers may gain special status among buyers. Maybe, in one season, everyone will want to wear clothes destroyed by farm workers. Another year, roofers will be all the rage. Perhaps "Joe from Albuquerque" will become a superstar of clothing distress.
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