Slayer Chemtrails by DeepFriedArt
There's one strange word that will immediately let you know where someone stands on the issues of conspiracy and government control when it pops up in conversation- chemtrails. It's an intriguing word that may or may not mean what those people who drop it during conversations think it means, and it is one of those theories that people either find totally far fetched or utterly believable. But whether you believe the government is spraying chemicals on the populace to keep them in line or you think this is a really out there conspiracy theory proposed by the same people who brought us Pizzagate and the Illuminati there's one thing for sure- the word looks totally rad on a tee!
Warn the world about the dangers of chemicals in the air and conspiracies spread online with this Slayer Chemtrails t-shirt by DeepFriedArt, it's the rockin' way to start a debate everywhere you go!
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