Archive for April 20th, 2017

A Story 84 Years in the Making

In February, 93-year-old Tom Sitter entered The Moth in Madison StorySLAM storytelling contest in Madison, Wisconsin. He told about his Valentines Day experience in 1933, when he was in third grade.    [ht...

17 Secrets of Wedding Photographers

Wedding photography is an exacting art and science. A formal wedding is usually a once-in-a-lifetime experience, and the photos will be the legacy that lasts for decades or even generations. The professionals wh...

4/20 Police Trap

Undercover #420 operations are in place. Discreet traps have been set up throughout the city today. #Happy420— Wyoming, MN Police (@wyomingpd) April 20, 2017 Police in Wyoming, Minneso...

The Origin Of The World's Most Famous Tongue Twister

"She Sells Sea Shells By The Sea Shore" is arguably the most famous tongue twister in the world, and even though the tongue twister itself dates back to around 1908 the true story it's based on is much older.The "she" in...

The Surprisingly Mysterious Life of Famed Artist Bob Ross

Bob Ross, the host of the calm, pleasant, and long running show The Joy of Painting, is remembered as a great guy because so many people loved to watch his show, and he encouraged so many people to enjoy paintin...

A Beautiful Stained Glass Cabin Straight From A Fairytale

Stained glass windows are built to look beautiful both night and day, with colored glass cut and shaped to be aesthetically pleasing, but you can't fully appreciate the beauty of a stained glass window until the sun shin...

Guide to Doggos

We love dogs, but remembering all the breed names is next to impossible, especially when they're all good dogs. We should give them names that have something to do with their appearance, behavior, or at least their impre...

It's Damn Fine Coffee - Agent Cooper Would Be Lost Without It

It's damn fine coffee by ormadrawsNobody in Twin Peaks has had a good cup of coffee for a while, since Norma closed the Double R a few years back, but something tells me things are about to get good and exciting again...

Furless Tickle Me Elmo Proves Adorability Is Skin Deep

There has always been something sinister about Elmo's squeaky clean and innocent facade, but until that little bugger is caught and dissected to see what he's actually made of we'll just have to keep on wondering.For #Sc...

New Super-Earth May Be Best Yet for Finding Signs of Life

It was only a couple of weeks ago that astronomy fans were all excited about planet GJ 1132b, which shows evidence of an atmosphere. But the information from outside our solar system comes thick and fast (scientists have...

People On The News Who Are Clearly High On Life

The number "420" has been adopted by marijuana enthusiasts the world over and is thought to have originated in 1971 with a group of buddies from San Rafael high school in California who called themselves "The Waldos".And...

How Realistic are New York Apartments on TV Shows?

You've watched some of the many TV shows set in New York City, and at one time or another you've wondered how these characters can afford to live there. In reality, most of them could not. If you are dead set on living i...

A Guitar Transcription Of The "Monster Energy Drinks Are The Work Of Satan" Speech

(Image Link)Evangelicals are seeing Satan everywhere these days, which is more a matter of seeing what they want to see than actually seeing anything real, and even energy drinks aren't safe from the 21st century Satanic...

A Very Particular Mutant Superpower

Not the superhero we deserve, but the one we need right now.If you could choose a mutant power, would it be one that allows you to overwhelm your enemies, or one that causes other mutants to love you and protect you at a...

Disney Movie Posters That Are Real Works of Art

Sure Disney movies are mostly made for child audiences, but they certainly have their adult fans as well and some of those fans are artists. Mondo art gallery decided to embrace these nerdy artists by putting together an...

The Silence of the Lambs as a Romantic Comedy

Jody Foster and Anthony Hopkins star in the most romantic movie of the year! She's an ambitious young FBI agent, just trying to make it in a tough profession. Then she meets him, and everything changes. What's n...

10 Ways Beauty Gave History a Makeover

(Image credit: Alex Eben Meyer)Want to topple a politician or inspire a nation? We’ve got (beauty) tips for you.1. IT SUPPLIED RED-BLOODED TROOPS WITH THE MAKEUP TO WIN WORLD WAR II.In the early 1940s, a...

Biisuke Ball's Big Adventure Part 2

A  couple of years ago, we were treated to Biisuke Ball’s Big Adventure from the Japanese TV show Pitagora Suitchi (Pythagoras Switch). The bad news is that video has been erased from the internet, bu...

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