Archive for April 19th, 2017

Ultimate Tyrannosaurus Rex aka T-Rex Cubed - Awww, Look At The Tiny Head!

Ultimate Tyrannosaurus Rex aka T-Rex Cubed by MudgeWe should thank our lucky comets that dinosaurs didn't have access to comic books or sci-fi flicks, because they might have discovered some tricks that could have hel...

Sumo Wrestler Enjoys Cherry Blossom Season

Image @sumokyokai Even the best sumo wrestlers can't spend all his time in the dohyƍ. Sometimes they've just got to go out and (bend the tree branches down with their super strength so they can)...

The Museum of Failure

Do you remember Harley-Davidson perfume? Bic For Her? TwitterPeek? Probably not, as they were all immediate flameouts. Crystal Pepsi and Zune were better known, but mainly known as failures. They are all exhibits at the...

Co-Parenting Win

Image: @Emilee Plaayer When four-year-old Maelyn gets on the soccer team, her four parents are there to cheer her on. Wait - four parents? That's right. Maelyn's mother and father are divorced, and...

Millennial Hoarders

Millennials know that hoarding is bad, and can lead to dangerous conditions in your home. But they live in a different world, and some suffer from a different kind of hoarding disorder.[] (You...

Xenophora, the Sea Snail Fashionista

The Zymoglyphic Museum in Portland, Oregon, is full of fantastic exhibits from fictional worlds. There are mermaids, eyeball plants, and clams wearing eyeglasses. But there are also specimens of Xenophora, a gen...

Airline Pilot Reveals The Meaning Of 11 Secret Code Words Used During Flight

The pilots and attendants on an airplane must be able to communicate with each other over the intercom without alarming people, so they use jargon that makes no sense to passengers in order to speak in secret.But thanks...

ProBoyNick's Dirty Truck Art

ProBoyNick is Russian street artist Nikita Golubev. One of his chosen media is dirty vehicles. He uses paintbrushes and his fingers to selectively remove grime to reveal a work of art! It's just another of the several ex...

Unconventional Wedding Gowns That Caused A Stir

The bride is typically supposed to be the center of everyone's attention during a wedding, and her dress is supposed to make people gasp and talk in a good way.So what did people think when Celine Dion wore this  Mi...

Bartenders Guess Who Is Underage

The legal drinking age in the U.S. is 21. The age is set by the states, but the federal government enacted "incentives," like highway funds, to get all states on the same page. In this video, bartenders, some more experi...

College: Movies Versus Real Life

Every spring a new batch of seniors graduate from high school and start thinking about college in the fall, while current college students think about the summer while enjoying their spring break.In real life those formu...

R'N'R! - The Snails Are Listening

R'N'R! by STMLMost insects don't enjoy music, because the vibrations really bug them and make them feel like the world is crashing all around them, but snails are surprisingly fond of human music- and their favorite gen...

19 Interesting Facts About the Movie Casino

Based on a non-fiction account, the 1995 mob movie Casino reeked of danger and violence in every scene. The actual filming of the movie was difficult in several ways, not the least of which was adhering to the t...

Anime Characters Who Were Based On Real People

The artists who create characters for manga and anime almost always use a real person as a reference for drawing, including their features, hairstyle and skin tones in the cartoon adaptation.The massive man-eating "Armor...

The Best 100 Episodes of The Simpsons

We first met The Simpsons in 1987, and they've had their own show since 1989- 28 seasons now! There are those who would argue that only the first ten years were any good, while there are millions of fans who wer...

Police Mistake Fallout Cosplayer For Bomber

Cops don't understand cosplay, or cosplayers for that matter, so they're constantly mistaking people in costume for a threat to public safety, a misunderstanding which has turned deadly on a few occasions.Thankfully when...

Generation Gap: App vs. Nap

On any movie set, there's a lot of waiting around while scenes are set up or details are worked out. In this behind-the-scenes photograph from Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2, Zoe Saldana, Chris Pratt, and severa...

Broken Traffic Light

In this dash cam video, we find that a light has gone wonky on the streets of Kemerovo, Russia. A passerby thinks he can give it a whack with a stick and maybe it will straighten up and work right. What could possibly go...

The 25 Best Food-Related Seinfeld Moments

Seinfeld is famous for being a show about nothing, but ultimately, it's just the opposite -a show about everything. Every stupid thing that could happen in a person's everyday life could happen on screen and tha...

15 Things You May Not Know About Ulysses S. Grant

Neatorama presents a guest post from actor, comedian, and voiceover artist Eddie Deezen. Visit Eddie at his website or at Facebook.Our 18th U.S. president, Ulysses S. Grant was, like so many of our pres...

Whole Phrases Hidden in English Words

English is a language that's always evolving. Every day, we use words that weren't in existence 50 years ago. Then there are words that have been around a long time, but they've changed. One way the language has changed...

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