Make a cartoon, even the most benign, into a hyperrealistic image is often frightening, but the bizarre and surreal images of Ren and Stimpy, from the 1990s Nickelodeon series The Ren & Stimpy Show, take it another step into crazyland. Andrew Freeman of Immortal Masks made these masks to bring the cartoons to life. Happy happy joy joy!
Every time I look back on that show I think about how they used to make human knees look so nasty. There was such fine detail in the writing and the animation on that show. I was a huge fan. When it comes to these masks I can’t say I’m a fan. I’m amazingly impressed by the precision and the “this is what they’d look like in real life” factor, but I can honestly say if one of these were in my house I would constantly freak out and have nightmares.
See more images and a video that explores these chilling creations at TVOM.
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