Some Of The Most WTF Things People Have Seen At College

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Going away to college is exciting, terrifying and earth shattering all at the same time, and as teens turn into young adults they sow their wild oats like never before, resulting in epic memories both good and bad:

“In the first week of December, I saw a man dressed as Santa Claus sprinting across campus while being chased by a man in a green morph suit wearing a Grinch mask. They were both yelling and screaming about Christmas as they ran. It was so close to finals week, literally no one even turned their heads.”

“The BDSM club – Bible Discussion and Study Meeting. I literally had to go back to make sure I read that correctly. I go to a Christian university and yes, people are THAT innocent. After that, we now have to send all flyers to be reviewed.”
—Ariana Coyne, Facebook

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College days are chock full of surprises- pop quizzes, instant crushes, parties in the middle of the week, spontaneous makeout sessions and sudden breakups that leaves the dumpee feeling desperate:

“I once woke up to a drunk bagpiper, in his full uniform (kilt and all) playing a medley of Lady Gaga hits in my apartment complex’s parking lot. It was around 4am. He was trying to win back a girl who dumped him.”
—Katie Copley, Facebook

And more often than not college craziness is fueled by alcohol and a sense of freedom most students have never felt before:

“Some friends and I were apartment hunting, and this guy was showing us his place. He moved this giant cardboard beer advertisement cutout and showed us a giant hole in the living room wall. We all looked at him simultaneously and he just shrugged and explained ‘battle axe’.

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But the memories that really stick out for most college students are those moments when being free meant letting your freak flag fly high, knowing no one would judge you for nerding out:

“I was walking in the quad and I saw a tightrope strung between some trees. Then a big group of furries in full fursuits congregated around it, taking turns trying to walk the tightrope.

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See 23 Of The Most WTF Things People Have Witnessed At University here (NSFW)

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