Archive for April 6th, 2017

7 Epic Magician Rivalries

If you're the star of a one-man specialty act, particularly in the traveling show days before TV, you have to be a little ruthless to remain number one. So it was with magicians who competed for audiences, or who just di...

Tina's Quotes - Don't Worry, They're Not All About Butts

Tina Quotes by Legendary PhoenixIf you want to learn how to be a smart, strong, sensual woman you've gotta take a listen to Tina Belcher, because that girl be spittin' game every day like a total diva! She gets all ph...

The Smithsonian Is Looking For Help Transcribing Phyllis Diller's Joke Catalog

Phyllis Diller was one of the most prolific comedians of all time, and she wrote enough jokes during her fifty plus years in showbiz to fill an entire card catalog- 52,569 "gags" to be exact.Phyllis' method for catalogin...

Costco-Themed Birthday Party

Image: Niki Walker Love Costco? Not like Kimber Walker, you don't! The 5-year-old girl loves shopping with her parents at Costco so much that she asked for a Costco-themed birthday party. "I...

Journal Publishes Seinfeld-themed Fake Article

If you do a Google search for "uromycitisis," the results make it clear that this "disease" only happens on TV, specifically on the sitcom Seinfeld. Soon, those search results will include a scientific paper wri...

Boa Constrictor Regrets Hugging a Porcupine

Well, at least this snake didn't swallow a porcupine, but ouch! This YouTube clip showed a boa constrictor in Brazil that realized that hugging, er contricting, a porcupine (specifically the Braz...

The Typewriter Orchestra

We've featured the Boston Typewriter Orchestra before, but it was over ten years ago! Time to check in with the guys who make beautiful music with vintage technology.[] (YouTube link)You don't...

Pics Of Accidents Waiting To Happen...And One That Already Did

(Image Link)There are pictures that bring a smell to mind, pics that never fail to make us smile or frown, and then there are these sketchy photos that will make your mind scream "danger! DANGER!" as you wait for the acc...

Why It Matters Whether Students Learn About World War I in American History or World History Class

On April 6, 1917, the United States declared war on the German Empire. For Americans, that was the beginning of World War I, even though the war had been going on for years in Europe. That set up a dichotomy in how Ameri...

How To Check The Quality Of A Suit Jacket In About 30 Seconds

(Image Link)Every guy should own at least one suit in case of dressy event, wedding or funeral, and if you're a one suit kinda guy you'll want to buy a high quality jacket- so you never have to buy another.Now unless you...

A Price Analysis of Restaurant Food

Americans are now spending more at restaurants than they spend at grocery stores. We know that's more expensive, but eating at a restaurant means you save time, don't have to shop, cook, or clean up, and you can eat thin...

Comic Book Heroes As Dragons

Superheroes are pretty darn powerful, but even then, it's pretty hard to imagine anyone taking down a dragon in a one-on-one fight, even if that person was a mutant with superhuman powers. That's why this series by Lynto...

Cyborg DIY - The Oldest Joke In The Galaxy

Cyborg DIY by Doodle DojoOkay, the setup for this Whovian joke should be pretty obvious thanks to this design- how many Daleks does it take to screw in a light bulb? But you see the punchline isn't so obvious, now is...

30 Great Behind the Scenes Pictures from The Shawshank Redemption

The Shawshank Redemption did not do well at the box office when it was released in 1994, but is now ranked as "one of the greatest films of the 1990s." Yeah, you can blame the title. If you love the movie as muc...

Cool 3D Printed Objects That Are Actually Useful

(Space Invader Toilet Paper Holder-Download Here)Being able to print out eye pleasing hunks of plastic in our own home is cool, but printing out 3D gadgets with mechanical functions that work straight out of the printer-...

Retro DIY Lawnmower Looks Like a Vintage Car

Image: jeep2003 Spring is here and the grass will need to be mowed soon. But if you have this sweet DIY retro mini lawnmower that looks like a vintage automobile, the job will surely be a satisfying one....

Please Be Patient

"We need a new display here, something with a theme, can you get that done right away?" Obviously not, but the library employee or volunteer charged with the task did a fantastic job in creating a thought-provoking worka...

Starbucks Japan's New Frappuccino is Basically a Drinkable Cherry Pie

Japan gets all the best fast food twists and now even their Starbucks has heaven in a cup. In this case, it's a pastry shell lid that has to be broken open with a straw, vanilla base (let's face it -that's pretty much ic...

The First 12 Cost a Penny, But...

Neatorama is proud to bring you a guest post from Ernie Smith, the editor of Tedium, a twice-weekly newsletter that hunts for the end of the long tail. In another life, he ran ShortFormBlog.In the 1980s and 1990s, Co...

Hyperrealistic Drawings That Look Like Posed Photographs

These days everyone's a photographer, and the phones in our pockets take great pics we can instantly edit, filter and share with everyone on the planet if we'd like, all of which is now seen as no big deal.But this photo...

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