The pounding rain, the stormy seas, and the lone sports car traveling on a narrow road - how exactly did the photographer take this amazing shot and survive the harrowing experience?
Let Indian photographer Vatsal Kataria explain in this interview with DIY Photography:
DIYP: How did you come up with the idea? What inspired you?
Vatsal: I am commercial still life photographer but one day I was in my studio without any projects. I saw a photo of a toy car near a waterfall so decided how I can do something like this but without going anywhere. So I started working on my first project.
DIYP: How much time it usually takes to build a location for your miniature shots?
Vatsal: it depends on the project. Sometimes it takes me 1 day, or sometimes whole week for just one picture. So it totally depends on the complexity of the project.
DIYP: What materials do you mainly use?
Vatsal: I use lots of products. My main aim is to create everything with the cheapest way possible so that if anyone wants to do something they can. I use plaster of Paris, baking powder, pit sand and clay, and that’s it.
View the rest of the interview (and many more fantastic photos) over at DIY Photography.
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