Star Wars has become such an epic franchise with such a devoted fandom that the origins of that universe have been left behind. To understand some of the mechanics of the story, Looper takes us back to how the stories were first constructed to remind of some details we've either forgotten or never realized in the first place.
A little context helps us to understand how the juggernaut we know as Star Wars grew from just a movie into what it is today: a modern mythology that became more than anyone could have imagined. -via Geeks Are Sexy
Comments (2)
As for the prequels revealing that things work better despite him -- I think this oversimplifies what was really going on. I firmly believe that his status and the movies being so successful and lauded for years and years all affected the movie-maker he became in that era. I think that he succumbed to this -- sitting in an ivory tower, having so much pressure to succeed, AND assume that his ideas were the best, AND surrounding himself with disciples who constantly reinforced this vs. actual collaborators who might have shot down an idea or two. If there were true collaborators or contemporaries Lucas turned to for advice at this stage, advice wasn't taken or Lucas's status made it difficult for others to challenge him. Did someone at some point raise their hand and speak up that Jar Jar just didn't seem to be working out and the whole idea should be scrapped...? And if so, what happened as a result..?