Archive for March 23rd, 2017

Nowruz Celebrations Around the World

Embed from Getty Images Nowruz is the Persian New Year holiday, which starts at the vernal equinox. Although it has a Zoroastrian origin, it is celebrated in a asecular way by Persian and Turkish people all over t...

Rare Black Serval Spotted in Africa

Photo: Sergio Pitamitz While leading a wild life photography tour in Kenya, Sergio Pitamitz spotted something rare: a jet-black serval - an African wild cat that normally has cheetah-like spots. The...

March Madness Basketball Fails

The NCAA basketball tournament has so many great players and great matchups that people watching start to think that's normal. It's not. Fail Army is here to remind us that the rest of us aren't that good at the game. Th...

Photos Of The Mad Max: Fury Road Cars Before They Were Wrecked

The beautiful wasteland shredding machines featured in Mad Max: Fury Road are custom made (and fully functional) works of automotive art, most of which were wrecked by the time the film was in the can.But before...

The Cheapest House For Sale in San Francisco is a Fire-Gutted Wreck for $499,000

Images: Estately If you want to buy a house in San Francisco, you better have deep pockets. The median listing price of a detached home in the city is currently $1.15 million dollar according to Zillow (r...

This House Is In Desperate Need Of A Spring Thaw

People are tired of waiting for the spring thaw, they're done dealing with those winter blues and can't wait to see some green start sprouting up around their house again.But no matter what the weather's like in their ne...

Why Women Couldn’t Wear Pants on the Senate Floor Until 1993

So many of the conventions that ruled how men and women interacted were "unwritten rules" that everyone understood, but were not legally codified. Conformity came from social pressure from the majority of people who just...

Chef Wears Raw Ingredients From His Menu On His Face For Creepy Portraits

Chefs who only serve raw and organic ingredients in their restaurants go out of their way to advertise that fact, turning their fresh food philosophy into a branding element.They call their eatery something cute like "Or...

Kung Fu Frankenstein - Master Of The Flying Severed Foot Kick!

Kung Fu Frankenstein! by Chip SkeltonThe Monster had grown quite fond of reading how-to books, and he loved to watch instructional TV shows and tutorials online in order to figure out how to create things and better hi...

Utterly Stupid Restaurant Customers

We've all seen stupid people in restaurants before, but few can compare to those in Thrillist's most recent list of bad restaurant customers. From the woman who ordered steak tartare well done to the customer who ordered...

17 Incredible 3D Printed Objects

3D printers still aren't considered must-own devices by most people, but artists and engineers continue to explore the limits of the medium and discover new ways 3D printers make our lives better.From replacement beaks a...

30 Passionate But Pointless Arguments

It's happened to all of us. A family member, friend, or co-worker says something wrong, so you point out their error. But they are convinced you are the one who is wrong. We should just let it go at that point, but every...

Girl Stole Pope's Hat

Mountain Butorac (yes, his name is Mountain) of The Catholic Traveler took his 3-year-old goddaughter to see Pope Francis. After waiting a couple of hours, they got to meet the Pope up close ... and the little gi...

Cutting Hair with Fire

Usually, when someone's hair got set on fire, it's not on purpose. But setting his client's hair on fire is exactly what Palestinian hairdresser Ramadan Adwan meant to do. AP Photographer Khalil Hamra vi...

Guy Sings Star Wars Song To Clear Brooklyn Bridge Bike Lane

Bicyclists who ride around in big city traffic all day tend to get a bit salty, and in New York bikers have no problem cursing you out and telling you why they hate you while they continue to roll along.So it's refreshin...

Babies Who Look Strangely Like Celebrities

"You know, when junior scrunches his eyes up like that, he looks just like (insert famous movie actor)!" Yes, he does. The internet has an unlimited supply of baby pictures from proud parents, plus a revolving door of ce...

Messy Roommate Inspired Man to Create "Passive-Aggressive Art Gallery"

Got a messy roommate? Don't get mad - turn his mess into a "passive-aggressive art gallery" instead and gain Interweb fame. Justin Cousson of Hollywood, California, converted over 30 instances of...

Deadpool Sings a Parody of "Gaston"

If Deadpool were a musical, our hero might sing a song like "Gaston" from Beauty and the Beast. It has plenty of NSFW language.[] (YouTube link)This parody works better than...

The World's Most Expensive Taco Will Set You Back $25,000

Hungry? Wanna taco? Got $25,000? That's how much the Grand Velas Los Cabos hotel in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico, charges for the world's most expensive taco. Created by Executive Chef Juan Licerio Alcal...

QRorschach - Who Scans The Masked Man?

QRorschach by kgullholmenRorschach once decided to get with the times and change up his wardrobe to reflect our modern society, so he had a custom QR mask made with a code that led to the Watchmen's website. He'd forgo...

The Grateful Dead of Kay Powell

Forget about sports or comics. If Kay Powell wrote for your paper, you dove straight into the obituaries.THE 10 A.M. MEETING WAS ALWAYS THE SAME. That’s when Kay Powell would gather her s...

Six Dots: The Story of Young Louis Braille

Surely you knew that braille is the alphabet and writing system used by blind and visually impaired people, but did you know that it was invented by a fifteen-year old boy who was accidentally blinded at a...

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