Archive for March 22nd, 2017

The Princess Tree

The tree genus called Paulownia has several species, mostly native to Asia, that grow fast on difficult soil. They tend to thrive after forest fires, which kill its enemy fungus. It's also called the Princess Tr...

Wheel of Fortune Fail: A Streetcar Na(k)ed Desire

Can you solve this Wheel of Fortune puzzle? In Tuesday's Wheel of Fortune episode, a contestant named Kevin was one letter away from solving the puzzle and winning the game ... but his dirty mind proved to...

Haunting Portraits Of People And Plants Becoming Hybrid Bodies

We become nothing more than plant food when we're dead and buried, as roots grow through our flesh and wrap around our bones, but while we're alive we try to avoid letting plant life grow on our bodies.And yet the fungi...

North Carolina’s Shangri-La Stone Village

There's a miniature stone village in Prospect Hill, North Carolina, consisting of 27 buildings and other small-town structures. It was all hand-made by one man: Henry Warren. When Warren retired from farming, he gathered...

International Hair Freezing Contest

Images: Takhini Hot Pools This sure puts "chill" in "just chilling." Every year since 2011, the Takhini Hot Pools, a hot springs resort in Yukon, Canada, has held The International...

POV Video Footage Of Daredevil Failing A Three Story Pool Drop Stunt

(Image Link)The YouTube daredevils who post stunt videos that make us want to cringe and cheer (chinge?) are taking big risks for their viewers, so they tend to keep their fail vids to themselves.But thanks to this GoPro...

Catnip Ain’t the Only Plant That’ll Send Your Kitty to Blissville

The active ingredient in catnip that gives such pleasure to our kitties is nepetalactone. It doesn't have much effect on other species, but cats go wild -or at least some cats do. If you've had multiple cats, you've prob...

You'll Love These Low-Budget Beasts From Local Theaters

Not everyone has $160 million budget for their version of Beauty and the Beast like Disney did, but it doesn't mean that local theaters couldn't impress you with their rapier wit and low-budget costumes....

Rockazilla - The Battle Of The Kaiju Bands

Rockazilla by dandingerozGodzilla has done the whole "walk into town and destroy the place" routine, and he's been in plenty of brawls with plenty of crazy kaiju creatures, all of which truly gave him a thrill. But you...

Man Working From Home Names His Dog "Employee of the Quarter" Every Quarter

Working from home can be lonely -sometimes all we have to keep us motivated, entertained and cheerful is our pets who have no idea we're even working. That's why telecommuting Accuride employee Michael Reeg decided that...

Making Up For It

Redditor CircleAddict works at Starbucks and had a customer encounter that didn't go quite right. He said, "A woman came through the drive through yesterday and got a little irritated with me because we didn't have drink...

Why Do All Disney Princesses Wear Blue?

Disney princesses have some rather obvious things in common, including their physical beauty, survivor spirit and an uncanny connection to wildlife.And for some reason they also have the color blue in common, which made...

This Cake Rocks!

What a perfect birthday cake for a geologist! We don't know anything about the person who baked this "sedimentary layer cake", but we'd wager he or she's down to earth about the amount of time and labor...

Mecha-Jeff Bezos

Image @JeffBezos After crushing brick-and-mortar and online competitors with his Amazon store and working to conquer space travel with his rocket company, what is there left to do for a billionaire? How ab...

What is the Best X-Men Movie of All-Time?

According to Wikipedia, there have been ten X-Men movies so far. That's a bunch! If you've seen them all, you no doubt have your opinions on the quality of each one. Real X-Men fans will want to argue about anyone else's...

Now You Can Enjoy Butterbeer Ice Cream at Home

Harry Potter fans everywhere know that butterbeer is the go-to drink for witches and wizards and while you can buy a real-life version of it at the Wizarding Worlds in Universal Studios parks, most people can't get their...

Late for School? Get to Dad's Chopper!

Late for school? Don't ask mom for a ride in her minivan ... ask dad to drop you off with his helicopter! (See, choppers aren't only good for running away from alien monster ... ) Passersby spotted a chopp...

Chop & Steele Prank Morning Shows

Joe Pickett and Nick Prueher of the Found Footage Festival are not strongmen, but they play two of them on TV. They took on the duo name Chop & Steele and convinced various local TV morning shows to feature them. The...

What On Earth Is Going On With This Eyeball?

A woman went to her ophthalmologist complaining her eyes were watery and itchy, and when the doc looked into her eyes they saw this freaky sight- which kinda looks like a worm burrowing beneath the pupil's surface.But ac...

Journey To The Upside Down - Where The Nightmares Roam

Journey To The Upside Down by Donovan AlexIt's full of danger, intrigue and unlimited possibilities, and it's coming back for an even stranger second season! Heading to the Upside Down seems like quite a trip, and cons...

Train Runs Through This Apartment Building

Images: Sohu If you think that the traffic on the street outside your apartment window is noisy, stop complaining now. You've got nothing on the residents of this Chongqing apartment building: they have to...

The Marx Brothers in A Day at the Races

Neatorama presents a guest post from actor, comedian, and voiceover artist Eddie Deezen. Visit Eddie at his website or at Facebook.It was 1937 and the Marx Brothers were back with their seventh motion p...

"Stayin' Alive" is the Perfect Song to Administer CPR

Seventies disco song "Stayin' Alive" by the Bee Gees could very well save your life one day. Turns out, the song has just the right tempo for administering CPR. The NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital and adve...

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