Archive for March 15th, 2017

Why The Godfather Almost Didn't Happen

The 1972 film The Godfather was nominated for eleven Academy Awards and won three. It made stars out of several actors who were barely into their careers at the time. But it wasn't an easy movie to make. The stu...

Whiten Your Teeth By Wrapping Them In Aluminum Foil

The internet is full of life hacks people swear by even though they don't really understand how the hacks work, and at first glance many of these tricks seem like they won't work as advertised.So I was naturally a bit sk...

When Medieval Monks Couldn't Cure the Plague, They Launched a Luxe Skincare Line

Sometimes the secret to success is to recognize a failure and turn it around to serve a totally different purpose. Such was the case of the monks of the the Santa Maria Novella monastery, established in 1221 in Italy. Th...

Meet The Designer Cats With Wild Blood

Breeders who want to create a new and original breed start their genetic mix 'n' match wherever the jaguars and servals prowl.Designer cat breeds, like the Bengals and Savannahs, are born from a breeder's desire to own w...

Pacbusters - Why Aren't These Power Pellets Working?!

Pacbusters by joefixit2Pac-Man had eaten some funky looking ghosts in his day, but when that green blob of snot appeared in his maze he didn't know how to go about gobbling him up. He tried to munch some power pellets,...

28 Facts about the History of Makeup

[] (YouTube link)You might know something about makeup, but what do you know about its history? To develop the beauty enhancements we have today, early users put their lives, or at least their...

Bizarre Books You Won't Believe Actually Exist

When bibliophiles go out looking for a new book to add to their collection they tend to skip the gimmicky covers and go for titles/authors they know, or those which have been recommended to them.But there's one slightly...

Project Yorick

Remember last year when Brian Kane installed Alexa in his Billy Bass? Mike McGurrin has taken that idea one step further -and creepier- by using a Halloween decoration skull with a moving mouth to be the face of th inter...

Pregnant Subway Passenger Gives Guy A Trophy For Doing The Right Thing

Giving your seat up to pregnant women, the disabled and the elderly is the decent thing for an  able bodied individual to do when riding on the subway, but these days common decency is often left at the station.Howe...

Is This German Novel the Deadliest Book in History?

In 1774, 25-year-old Johann Wolfgang von Goethe published a novel called The Sorrows of Young Werther (Die Leiden des jungen Werther). He called his experience of writing the story of romantic heartbreak therape...

This Snake is All Smiles

Justine Kobylka is a snake breeder who specializes in making creatures with new and fascinating scale patterns. Her newest creation took eight years to perfect, and it has made her quite famous on the internet as she cre...

10 Wolverine Memes That Will Brighten Your Day

It's a sign of success when your movie, or film franchise, gets poked fun at. No one does that for movies that aren't widely seen, because who would get the joke? Well yeah, people do make jokes about lesser mov...

Insane Eating Challenges from Around the US

Do you have a stomach that can expand five times its size? Well, if you hope to beat any of these ten epic eating challenges,you'd better. Our own Miss C rounded up some of the craziest eating challenges from around...

Johnny Weissmuller: Everybody's Favorite Tarzan

Neatorama presents a guest post from actor, comedian, and voiceover artist Eddie Deezen. Visit Eddie at his website or at Facebook.Johann Peter Weissmuller, the son of Peter and Elisabeth Weissmuller, w...

Musician Cameos On 1980s TV Shows

The incredible music that came out in the 80s was a huge part of what made it the most radical decade of the 20th century, and in the 80s it wasn't uncommon to see musicians trying their hand at acting.In fact, some musi...

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