Parents and teachers cherish artwork created by kids, and what kids choose to draw gives us a glimpse into their lives and helps gauge their mental state, since kids have no filter when they're creating art.
"My class of kindergartners were drawing pictures to put in a care package for deployed troops. Well, one girl, yuno (yes, I know who yuno is. Yes, here parents do too. Yes, that was intentional), drew a picture of a family crying over a tombstone with a caption saying 'don't feel bad, it's almost over'. Holy h*ll kid. I almost put it in for humor, but I decided to put it on 'the wall of little horrors'."-via Secretly_psycho
However, it can be really hard to look at a kid with a straight face when they hand you a creepy crayon masterpiece, especially after they explain the meaning behind it:
AskReddit asked the art teachers of Reddit "what's the most disturbing artwork a student has ever submitted?", and according to their responses some kids were just born bonkers.
"I teach English to Japanese kids. Text book had them draw their ideal pet. A 10 year old drew a human chained up in a cage, with an electric shock box attached to them with wires. Taught him for a few more years until he graduated from my class to junior high school, he had really matured into a sweet charming boy by then. Or he was a psychopath who had mastered the skill of manipulating those around him." -via karlamarxist
But sometimes they use their creepy art to tell an equally creepy story that's hard for them to tell otherwise:
During draw and tell one boy held up a page with just red and yellow scribbled all over. The other children started laughing and I shushed them down and then the kid spoke up;
This is a drawing of the fire my parents left me in when they ran out the house. -via Takbeir
-Via CollegeHumor (NSFW language) and Minq