Allan V. Evans, who lives in Colorado, has taken out an ad in The Times of London newspaper to give notice of his intentions to claim the crown of the United Kingdom upon the death of Queen Elizabeth. He claims an unbroken genealogy that makes him a descendant of Cunedda Wledig, who founded the kindom of Wales and served as its first king, probably in the late 4th century.
An American has taken out a big ad in the Times to say he's the rightful king & intends to seize power.
— DavidMapstone (@DavidMapstone) March 1, 2017
Evans won't stake his claim before Elizabeth's passing because he respects her so. He may have a geneological tie to Cunedda, but I have heard that there have been a few conquerings and depositions since then. Read more about Evans at Business Insider. -Thanks, John Farrier!
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