It's hard for most Americans to imagine a time when there won't be enough wheat, rice or whatever with which to make flour, but should this apocalyptic scenario ever become a reality the roaches will run rampant.
And since cockroaches are the ultimate survivors just like humans we'll probably be forced to consider adding cockroaches to our daily diet.
That's why scientists Andressa Lucas and Lauren Menegon from the Federal University of Rio Grande in Brazil are working on a way to turn cockroaches into a flour that's actually better for us in some ways than wheat flour.
Their cockroach flour contains 40 percent more protein than wheat flour, and it's high in essential amino acids, lipids and fatty acids, making it a perfect fit for a balanced and healthy diet.
And while the cockroaches they used aren't the kind we see running around in the city this idea of turning insects into flour may work just as well with any other kind of insect- so they're studying whether flour can be made out of crickets and mealworms as well.
Read Meet the Scientists Who Are Making Bread with Cockroach Flour here