(Cat - Qitt)
Arabic lettering seems nigh inscrutable to those who use the Roman alphabet, and much like Asian lettering each symbol looks like a small work of line art rather than an alphabet.
Thinking of each word as a small work of art can actually help when you're learning to read and write in Arabic, and make it easier to break down each dot, line, swoosh and squiggle.
(Whale - Hout)
Artist Mahmoud Tammam takes Arabic words and twists or tweaks them until the linework looks like the word's meaning, making it picture book simple to learn words in Arabic.
(Dog - Kalb)
So far Mahmoud has created 40 different illustrated words, which he really needs to put into a book so everyone can learn Arabic the fun way.
(Citadel - Qale'a)
See Arabic Words Illustrated Based On Their Literal Meaning here