The next movie in the "A Star Wars Story" series will tell the adventures of Han Solo in his younger days. The yet-untitled film is expected to be in theaters on on May 25, 2018, although that may change. Principle photography began this week, and Disney/Lucasfilm has released details and a photograph of the cast.
The movie will star Alden Ehrenreich as Solo, Donald Glover as Lando Calrissian, and Joonas Suotamo as Chewbacca. The 6' 10" Suotamo played Peter Mayhew's body double in episodes VII and VIII. Mayhew may return for episode IX, depending on his health (he is 72). Suotamo posted a tribute to Mayhew on the official announcement of his Han Solo movie role.
I'm ecstatic. It's official. And here is my statement to this terrific piece of news
— Joonas Suotamo (@JoonasSuotamo) February 21, 2017
-via Uproxx
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