They said "thou shalt not cuss or use foul language" and thus the Holy Sheep was born, replacing our improper slogan with one that conjures up a funny image. But it also seems to make sense if you think about it- the shepherd, the lambs and the sheep, all common symbols for the faithful, and thus not so far fetched when you say "blessed be the sheep". But wouldn't you rather be the shepherd than the sheep? Or maybe the black sheep who refuses to be herded, the one who uses that other word instead of sheep that seems to burn the ears of the polite so badly...
Declare your individual sense of style with this Holy Sheep t-shirt by NemiMakeit, it's a darn good way to make people smile wherever you go without the use of foul language!
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Life is ruff | Moonlight Genie | Catzilla v.2 | Don't give a meow |
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