This Is What Happens When Escalators Acquire A Taste For Shoes

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As a child my sister was terrified of escalators and I never understood why, until one of my friends almost lost a toe to some particularly sharp teeth on the edge of an escalator.

He was wearing flip flops at the time so the argument could be made that it was as much his fault as the escalator's, but seeing his toe after that incident made me switch to stairs for years to come.

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Escalators are safe until they decide to drop out beneath your feet or gobble up your shoe, so ride that moving staircase with caution, folks- and keep all your toes where they belong!

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See Even If You're Just A Little Nervous About Escalators, You Won't Make It Through This Post here

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My mom broke her leg 12 years ago on an escalator. Needless to say, she hasn't ridden one since. When I was in high school, one of my classmates told a story of bending down while on an escalator and the string from his hoodie getting caught. He was choking until someone hit the emergency off button. I always look for the button when riding or walking near an escalator.
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I had a dress get caught in an escalator one time. I was lucky because I wasn't thrown down onto the steps. It tore up my dress pretty good. The store tried to compensate me for the dress but I really didn't want to have much of anything to do with that store by then.
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