Everyone uses the internet to meet new people these days, and online dating has virtually replaced the old dating scene in every way, but this convenience is killing one element of courtship- the love letter.
Out of the depths of my happy heart wells a great tide of love and prayer for this priceless treasure that is confined to my life-long keeping.
You cannot see its intangible waves as they flow towards you, darling, but in these lines you will hear, as it were, the distant beating of the surf.
If you've ever sent and/or received a love letter then you know this is a terrible loss, and an email or instant message simply can't express the way you feel like a handwritten letter sealed with a kiss.
I don't know how to tell you just how much I miss you. I love you till my heart could burst. All I love, all I want, all I need is you — forever. I want to be just where you are and be just what you want me to be. I know it's lousy of me to be so late so often, and I promise to try a million times harder, I promise.
Love, Marilyn
Maybe these love letters written by Mark Twain to Olivia Langdon, Marilyn Monroe to Joe DiMaggio and Orson Welles to Rita Hayworth can help revive this dying art form, and we can use the internet to buy stamps instead!
Dearest Angel Girl:
...I suppose most of us are lonely in this big world, but we must fall tremendously in love to find it out. The cure is the discovery of our need for company -- I mean company in the very special sense we've come to understand since we happened to each other -- you and I. The pleasures of human experience are emptied away without that companionship -- now that I've known it; without it joy is just an unendurable as sorrow. You are my life -- my very life. Never imagine your hope approximates what you are to me. Beautiful, precious little baby -- hurry up the sun! -- make the days shorter till we meet. I love you, that's all there is to it.
Your boy,
Read 14 Famous Love Letters- Love Notes Written By Celebrities And Historical Figures here