Archive for January 30th, 2017

A Delightfully Wrong Geek Valentine's Day Card

We already featured a whole collection of great geeky Valentine's Day cards, but I didn't discover this design by Josh Cullen until almost a week later. It was so good, I just had to share it with the rest of you.Josh's...

The Restaurant with No Kitchen

At some restaurants, you sit down and they cook you some food. At others, you pick up the food and take it home. Now there's a restaurant in Helsinki that turns that idea on its ear. Take In doesn't even have a kitchen,...

A Huge Collection Of Really Cool Tattoos Dedicated To Dogs

(Image Link)People looking for a lasting way to pay tribute to their beloved pet often get a tattoo with their name or likeness, so that pet will be with them for the rest of their lives.(Image Link)This is a really swee...

Welcome To The Jungle - I Wanna Watch You Bleed

Welcome to the Jungle by Nihat GokcenWelcome to the jungle, we've got jeep rides and....wait, is that a raptor? What the hell kinda theme park is this?! You're telling me there are actual living dinosaurs in here? What'...

Pictures Found on a Brooklyn Street

Six years ago, Annie Correal found a discarded photo album on her Brooklyn street. It contained snapshots of a black couple in New York in the 1940s, '50s, and '60s, but the notes gave little information as to their iden...

Awesome Fan Art Imagines Alternate Scenes From Original Star Wars Trilogy

(Alternate Opening To A New Hope by Morgan Yon)Alternative facts aren't cool, and they will never replace cold, hard facts, but alternate takes on our favorite pop culture franchises are often cool enough to tak...

Tomislav Jagnjić's Artwork with Humorous Titles

hey psst, wanna buy some cubesSerbian artist Tomislav Jagnjić creates lovely digital artwork of science fiction and fantasy scenes, and then gives them hilariously subversive titles.yo bro is it...

World Of Warcraft Themed Cooking Show Launches In South Korea

World of Warcraft adaptations are an inevitable byproduct of the game's success, and so far the board games, movie, comic books, etc. that have come out make perfect sense for the franchise.But South Korea has taken thei...

Corpse of Famous Weasel on Display

Last fall, a weasel failed to read the warning signs and crossed a fence guarding CERN's Large Hadron Collider. The stone marten was immediately zapped with 18,000 volts, and the incident shut down the collider temporari...

The Best National Park in Every State

America is a beautiful country and our National Park system is an amazing way to explore the best wilderness and historical destiations in all of the US. Whether you like beaches, snow, rivers, forests, colonial towns or...

Vintage Auto Ads from the Soviet Union

The Soviet Union produced millions vehicles every year in the 1950s and '60s. In a collection of advertisements for them, there are some that border on fine art, like the art deco poster above. Then there are some that j...

Get Dressed Up For Awards Season In These Cool Cinematic NeatoShop Shirts

Viva la Rebelion by OlipopThe Academy Awards are about a month away, which means the 2016-17 awards season will soon come to a close leaving some actors, directors, writers, producers and other members of the entertainm...

Our 9,000-Year Love Affair With Booze

Evidence of alcoholic beverages goes back at least 9,000 years, and we may eventually find evidence even older. Even before that, our primate ancestors were attracted to fermented fruit for its good qualities: calories,...

The Amazing Geek Art of Stephan Andrade

Stephan Andrade is our kind of illustrator -he's got great skills and he puts them to work on awesomely geeky artworks. We particularly love the way he turns all of his geek illustrations into classic dimestore novel cov...

POWER-UP - Are Fire Flowers Considered Performance Enhancing Drugs?

POWER-UP by SergioDoeAthletic shoes weren't very popular in the Mushroom Kingdom before Bowser came to town, but now that he and his koopas and goombas are constantly lurking around everyone started wearing sneakers so...

Name That American Island

The following article is from the new book Uncle John’s Uncanny Bathroom Reader.(Image credit: Ken Curtis)Did you know that there are 18,617 named islands in the U.S. and its territories? Neither did w...

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