Archive for January 14th, 2017

The Promise of New Painkillers

For thousands of years, humans have used the extracts of the poppy plant for pain relief. In the last 200 years, opium and the more refined morphine and its derivatives have been the go-to medicine for pain relief, parti...

Facts You May Not Know About Disney's Adventureland

Disney's Adventureland has been overshadowed by flashier theme park areas like Toon Town or Tomorrowland, but back in the early days of Disneyland it was considered the most exotic and exciting part of the park. Adv...

Making Lemonade Out of a College Rejection

Made an artwork out of my Oxford rejection letter #oxford #ArtA photo posted by Claudia Vulliamy (@flamboyant_aesthete) on Jan 12, 2017 at 4:25pm PST Eighteen-year-old Claudia Vulliamy applied to Oxford University a...

Who Would Win? - Always Bet On One Punch

Who would win? by Coinbox TeesHe doesn't look like much, and most people mistake him for a skinny, bald-headed twerp who would be blown away by a stiff breeze, but Saitama is the mightiest being on the planet. Heck, he...

The Architecture Of Fairy Tale Characters

Architecture doesn't really factor into fairy tales much, and even though stories like Hansel & Gretel, the Three Little Pigs and Baba Yaga feature a building as a main part of the tale that's about as architectural...

Mark Hamill Reunited with His Prop Lightsaber

Outside of the war, the entire plot of Star Wars: The Force Awakens led to Luke Skywalker being reunited with his personal lightsaber that was lost when Darth Vader cut his hand off in The Empire Strikes Bac...

Free-Spirited Nuns Sledding In Central Park

(Image Link)Nuns agree to forego many of life's pleasures when they dedicate their lives to the Catholic church, but that seems to make them enjoy simple pleasures even more.They can't drink, smoke or act promiscuously,...

Hairy-Legged Vampire Bats Feast on Human Blood

Now, there's a headline that can induce nightmares. There are three species of vampire bat (that we know of), and only one of them, the common vampire bat (Desmodus rotundus), is known to drink the bloo...

These Squirrels Are Running a Chocolate-Theft Ring

A convenience store in Toronto noticed their were having quite a few chocolate bars going missing. When they figured out who was taking the chocolates, the family who runs the store had quite the charming surprise.(Video...

Taking the Scenic Route

NoZb2k ordered a new monitor from Korea. It was shipped via UPS, and this is the route it's taken so far: Korea to Alaska to Korea to Great Britain (where they wanted a duty paid) to Louisville to Philadelphia to Germany...

People Turn Into Creatures From Another World When A Face Is Drawn On Their Back

Some humans seem like they come from another world, and yet their strangeness is hard to define until you see a photo or video that reveals their true face.These bizarre individuals live among us, and when they're well h...

The Russian Spy Who Convinced America to Take ESP Seriously

Embed from Getty Images In 1954, Soviet KGB agent Nikolai Evgenievich Khokhlov was sent to Germany to assassinate the leader of an anti-communist group. Instead, he defected and surrendered to U.S. agents. Khokhlo...

Turn Your Old Fruit Into Wine and Beer With This Nearly-Magical Device

If you buy a lot of fresh fruit, you probably see it go bad here and there. Now you can do better than lemonade out of lemons by making wine or cider out of your old fruit. Supposedly you can even turn the fruit into mea...

Sledding With My Cat

[] (YouTube link)Jesse took his cat Weston up a mountain so they could sled down together. You might think that's a crazy idea, but Weston seemed more calm than Jesse was on the downhill. How...

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