Mr. Touchy-Feely

In this video from 2010, a reporter is covering a public meeting. The speaker's communications director tries to take over, but he and the reporter have vastly different views on personal space. The reporter does not want to be touched, and Mr. Touchy-Feely doesn't get the message. However, he does accomplish his goal of screwing up the reporter's attempt at an interview.

(YouTube link)

Aside from the recorded encounter, there's an interesting scandal that led to the public meeting. A commenter provided a synopsis of the whole thing. -via reddit

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Oh, my! This man is sooo clueless about 'personal space' and not touching people he does not know. He's lucky no one punched him or reacted in another negatively physical way with him. Had it been me I would have made a big stink. One has to wonder what was this guy's problem since he definitely felt it was okay to keep touching that man...
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