Archive for January 6th, 2017

Americans Eat Over 500 Million Jack In The Box Tacos Every Year

(Image Link)Jack In The Box is known for serving up fun food that isn't exactly good for you, but fast food fans don't worry about the calories- they just want something affordable that tastes good.And at Jack's the enti...

Honor to Us All

If you recall the Disney movie Mulan, you'll love this recreation of the "preparing for the matchmaker" scene from a Chinese TV production, shared by the Disney Power Facebook page. The young actresses are excel...

How To Make Your Own Rogue One Stormtrooper Doll

Ever since Rogue One: A Star Wars Story came out people have been wondering where they can get their hands on a Stormtrooper doll like the one carried by young Jyn Erso in the beginning of the movie.Since it's n...

Hong Kong Shop Cats

Photographer Marcel Heijnen became charmed with the many cats who live in the retail shops of Hong Kong. He's taken portraits of many of them, collected in his new book Hong Kong Shop Cats. Heijnen regards...

Comic Book Characters Who Are Blatant Rip-Offs

Characters, storylines and art styles are all elements that are regularly ripped off in the comic book industry, which has been a standard practice even before the superfolks took over.But once DC Comics and Marvel Comic...

Computerized Cruise Control

Do you trust modern technology? All I really know is that the more complicated a system is, the more things can possibly go wrong, and my luck will be that at least two things will fail at once so that no techni...

Eggman And The Walrus - Don't Eat That Custard...

Eggman and the Walrus by Aaron MoralesThe land of Goo-Goo-G'Joob is home to many strange and unsettling creatures, from the crabalocker fishwife to the choking smokers, but the most mercurial yet fragile of all G'Joob's...

The Most Kick-Ass Tea Commercial You've Ever Seen

People typically drink tea to relax, therefore tea is typically marketed as a relaxation-related product with calming commercials and soothing box art.But according to this commercial bubble tea is a fun, youthful produc...

Post the Bern

On Wednesday, Senator Bernie Sanders addressed his colleagues using a large poster of a Tweet from the president-elect. The image captured a lot of attention, particularly because it just cried out for some Photoshop fun...

Short PSA Made By AT&T In 1936 To Help Familiarize Viewers With Dial Telephones

If you wanted to make a non-local call back in 1936 you typically had to speak to a switchboard operator, who would connect your call to a number that began with exchange letters related to the location you were calling....

Family Transforms Solar Dome Into Perfect Arctic Home

How do you build a comfortable, modern, eco-friendly home within the Arctic Circle? The Hjertefølger family did it by covering their five-bedroom home with a 25-foot-tall solar dome! The huge geodesic dome has gla...

The Romantic Bath Bomb Wedding Proposal

Twitter user @kassidyrun1's boyfriend gave her a bath bomb on Christmas. It took her five days to get around to using it, but when she did, she discovered quite the surprise inside.As it turns out, the clever man managed...

Frozen Lake Free Dive

Matthew Villegas took his GoPro camera and a selfie stick with him as he free dives in Morrison Quarry in Quebec. That water's gotta be cold. How cold is it? It's covered with ice -and he has to go up and get a breath of...

Everyone Needs a Niffler Necklace

Fans of Fantastic Beasts fell madly in love with the adorable little thief known as Niffler who just wants to get his little hands all over any thing shinny. While you can't have your own actual fantastic beast,...

Can MIT Make Me a Poker Pro?

Mental floss's intrepid reporter immerses himself in calculus to master the game. (Image credit: Nazario Graziano)The bus to Atlantic City is oversold, over-air-conditioned, an...

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