Archive for January 5th, 2017

Why Does He Always Win? Because He's The Batman

(Image Link)There's Bruce Wayne and then there's The Batman, the crime fighter in the cape and cowl who's capable of conquering any challenge physical or mental.(Image Link)He's the original Most Interesting Man In The W...

Carol Pilon: America's Last Great Wingwalker

In the 1920s and '30, barnstorming pilots and wingwalkers got the world excited about airplanes and flying in general. You could make a good living risking your life this way, but most of the stunt artists did it for the...

Down To The Depths - Love Is Strange

Down to the Depths by ElladorJack had shared intimate moments with some rather strange and powerful women while roaming around the Caribbean, but the pirate lord Sparrow had never met a girl like Ariel! She was unlike a...

Nobody Does Wannabe Celebrity Like Phoebe Price

Social media has made it easy for pretty much anyone to become a celebrity in their own mind, proving that if you try hard enough any wanna-be celeb can amass quite a few followers and get the likes they seek.But somethi...

Timmy II

Timmy II is a story of a robot trying to fit in. It's like a cross between Frankenstein (the way he was made) and Pinocchio (father issues) with a modern twist (9/11) and a few laughs. It's that weird.[

Photos Of A Young Christopher Walken Dressed As A Clown

Christopher Walken slips effortlessly between playing a total badass and playing roles that require him to act super silly, but his acting range isn't something he just picked up.Christopher Walken's range comes from exp...

Disappointment in a Nutshell

This is why we can't have nice things. The Hide-Away Piano Bar in St. Louis had a great idea, but now it's only a great sign. I mean really, what could possibly go wrong with Lightsaber Night at a bar? Todd may be pe...

Villains Who Have Broken In To The Batcave

The Batcave is supposed to be one of the most secure, well hidden and safest places on the planet, a base of operations where Batman can sip tea and use his Batcomputer in peace.But, despite his best efforts to keep the...

The Most Angering Restaurant Employee Agreement Ever

Almost everyone knows that waiters and waitresses aren't the most well-paid employees around, but seeing an employment contract that charges them every time they give male customers straws, fail to say "hi" or "bye" to c...

Cat Stuck in Double-Decker Highway for Nine Days

Erin McCutcheon's cat Juno escaped from a pet carrier and jumped out of a moving car on the upper deck of I-93S in Boston on Christmas Day. McCutcheon couldn't find the cat, so she distributed posters and put out a call...

Wild Animal Screams Replaced By Human Voices

Animal screams have such a distinct sound that other animals will react as if the screaming critter is in the room when they hear a recording of the unique vocalization, but human screams aren't so distinct.That is, they...

The 10 Best Villains On Television Right Now

We admire the hero. We even root for the hero to win. But we love to watch the bad guys. Oh yeah, we wouldn't want them in our lives, but this is fiction, so we can admire their cunning and chutzpah, although we may feel...

Disney Princesses Reimagined As Potatoes

These days, we have seen Disney princesses reimagined as just about every possible thing. Many of these have become downright silly, which is why this Imgur series is just so damn delightful. Recognizing some of the...

Happiest Place - Ride At Your Own Risk

Happiest Place by Kempo24There are plenty of fun activities to do while you're wandering the wastes, but no visit to the wasteland is complete without a trip to the Nuka-World Amusement Park, the happiest place in the w...

Bear Loses Bearings

White Bear Mitsubishi has a mascot. He's a white bear. Duh. The car dealership enlisted the help of the Minnesota Gophers' mascot Goldy to make an ad on the ice in Mariucci Arena in Minneapolis. Goldy, being a hockey mas...

Why It Would Suck To Date An Anime Girl

Many Otakus think anime girls would make great girlfriends, because they're powerful and beautiful, with plenty of magical charm and cute little voices that can make a raging bull stop and smile.But if these anime girls...

A Cromulent Exercise in Language

Neatorama is proud to bring you a guest post from Ernie Smith, the editor of Tedium, a twice-weekly newsletter that hunts for the end of the long tail. In another life, he ran ShortFormBlog.Popular culture and life e...

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